A simple Spring Boot application that simulates / calculates car market values
To start the application:
./mvnw spring-boot:run
This Service is used by: https://github.com/bvader/cardatabase
Which is the backend for:
The front end React application is at: https://github.com/bvader/carfront
The car-value-estimator
service is called using the pattern
If this sevice is called with query parameter brand=Ferrari it will cause a long running estimate.
Run the build and run script you can change the agent verion if you whish, or add other optiosn. This will start the service expecting all other services and the ELK stack runing on localhost
See the Cloud Foundry Elastic APM Document
Create the user provided service
cf cups elastic-apm-service -p '{"server_urls":"https://my-apm-server:8200","secret_token":"my-secret-token", "enable_log_correlation":"'true'"}'
cf push -f car-value-estimator-manifest.yml