Releases: bwssytems/nest-controller
Releases · bwssytems/nest-controller
Better Device Deserialize handling
Validate where_id before deserialize
Issues when the where_id is null, checking before deserialize.
Updated device deserializer to include where_id
Missed where Id in the previous release.
Updated temp values from double to long and Deserialize issues
Updated DeviceDetail parsing
Removed more items that may cause issues.
Upodated Strcuture Detail parsing
Removed some variables that may be causing parsing issues in the StructureDetail object.
Fixed target type comparison
Thermostat would not be able to set temperature for range type.
Home and Thermostat logging update
Added more logging in the calls to Nest.
Fixed set thermostat debug logging
Had to read the StringEntity content in a stream to get the string to log.
Added more logging
Added more debug logging for net communication.