released this
05 Jun 13:39
June 6, 2023 version 1.5.9
Virtualize nvinfer1::IGpuAllocator
from TensorRT to allow customization (pull #1367 )
Add new SampleJpegEncoder
code for nvJPEG module of CUDA (pull #1365 )
Map std::vector
of CameraParams
, ImageFeatures
, and MatchesInfo
from cv::detail
(issue bytedeco/javacv#2027 )
Fix H.264 decoder of FFmpeg by increasing MAX_SLICES to 256 (pull #1349 )
Link FFmpeg with latest version of VA-API libraries (pull #1296 )
Build HDF5 with support for SZIP enabled (pull #1334 )
Map missing functions from mkl_trans.h
in presets for MKL (issue #1331 )
Bundle the official Java API of HDF5 via the hdf5_java
library (pull #1327 )
Map missing cblas_?axpby()
functions in presets for MKL (issue #1326 )
Prefix with "fisheye" all functions from the cv::fisheye::
namespace to avoid collisions (pull #1324 )
Remove mapping for platform-dependent enum
values in presets for libffi (pull #1318 )
Fix mapping of cv::fisheye::calibrate()
function from opencv_calib3d
(issue #1185 )
Add an RPATH to the tesseract
program to avoid loading issues (issue #1314 )
Bundle the CUPTI module of CUDA in the presets for PyTorch (pull #1307 )
Build FFmpeg with AOMedia AV1 and SVT-AV1 codecs (pull #1303 )
Map c10::OptionalArrayRef<int64_t>
from PyTorch to long...
as well for convenience (issue #1300 )
Remove mapping for c10::OptionalArrayRef
to simplify calls in presets for PyTorch (issue #1300 )
Virtualize btMotionState
and btDefaultMotionState
from Bullet Physics SDK to allow callbacks (pull #1297 )
to "UTF-8" for FFmpeg since it appears to assume that (issue bytedeco/javacv#1945 )
Map at::ITensorListRef
as used by at::cat()
in presets for PyTorch (issue #1293 )
Map torch::data::datasets::ChunkDataReader
and related data loading classes from PyTorch (issue #1215 )
Add missing predefined AVChannelLayout
in presets for FFmpeg (issue #1286 )
Map c10::impl::GenericDict
as returned by c10::IValue::toGenericDict()
in presets for PyTorch
Introduce linux-armhf
and linux-x86
builds to presets for TensorFlow Lite (pull #1268 )
Add presets for LibRaw 0.21.1 (pull #1211 )
Upgrade presets for OpenCV 4.7.0, FFmpeg 6.0 (issue bytedeco/javacv#1693 ), HDF5 1.14.1, Hyperscan 5.4.2 (issue #1308 ), Spinnaker (pull #1313 ), librealsense2 2.53.1 (pull #1305 ), MKL 2023.1, DNNL 3.1, OpenBLAS 0.3.23, ARPACK-NG 3.9.0, CPython 3.11.3, NumPy 1.24.3, SciPy 1.10.1, LLVM 16.0.4, Leptonica 1.83.0, Tesseract 5.3.1, CUDA 12.1.1, cuDNN 8.9.1, NCCL 2.18.1, OpenCL 3.0.14, NVIDIA Video Codec SDK 12.1.14, PyTorch 2.0.1, TensorFlow Lite 2.12.0, TensorRT, Triton Inference Server 2.33.0, DepthAI 2.21.2, ONNX 1.14.0, ONNX Runtime 1.15.0, TVM 0.12.0, Bullet Physics SDK 3.25, and their dependencies
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