See also [solutions]
MIT Open Courseware Introduction to Algorithms 2020 #MITOpenCourseWare
- Hundreds of important computer science algorithms
- Of note
- [Sorting]
- bubble sort
- quick sort
- [nagles]
- Clock synchronisation
- [fourier] transform
- [Compression]
- Huffman
- [Parity] (reconstruction) Hammering?
- Lexical analysis
- [Hash]
- geometric
- Line clipping
- contour lines
- [collision-detection]
- doomsday algorithm Day of the week - conway
- Dijstra shortest path
- [dynamic-programming]
- [levenshtein-distance]
- substring search
- Bayes Theorem - graph of probabilitys
- [polygon] drawing and crossing
- [line-drawing]
- [wave-function-collapse]
- Challenging algorithms and data structures every programmer should try
- Topological sort - used for spreadsheet cell evaluation order
- Recursive descent parsing (compilers/interpreters)
- Myers string diff (algorithm for git diff)
- Bloom filter (big hash)
- Piece table (used by text editors to store text as edits)
- Splay tree (binary tree with most accessed closer to the root)
- Geometry
- Geometry Central
C++ library of data structures and algorithms for geometry processing, with a particular focus on surface meshes.
- Geometry Central
- [graphics]
- [line-drawing]
- Filling polygons
- Streams
- Estimate distinct entries
- [markov-chains]
- [Sorting]
Nine algorithms that changed the future: the ingenious ideas that drive today's computers MacCormick, John 2011
- A* search algorithm
- Beam Search
- Binary search
- Branch and bound
- Buchberger's algorithm
- Data compression
- Diffie-Hellman key exchange
- Dijkstra's algorithm
- Discrete differentiation
- Dynamic programming
- Euclidean algorithm
- Expectation-maximization algorithm (EM-Training)
- Fast [fourier] transform [fft]
- Gradient descent
- Hashing
- ... more
khanacademy.org Unit: Algorithms
- Lots of interactive sorting algorithms
GeekForGeeks Algorithms
- Analysis of Algorithms
- Searching and Sorting
- Greedy Algorithms
- Dynamic Programming
- Pattern Searching
- Other String Algorithms
- Backtracking
- Divide and Conquer
- Geometric Algorithms
- Mathematical Algorithms
- Bit Algorithms
- Graph Algorithms
- Randomized Algorithms
- Branch and Bound
- Quizzes on Algorithms
- Misc
Awesome Algorithms Education Awesome
- A curated list to learning and practicing about algorithm.
Algorithms by Jeff Erickson - June 2019 - Free eBook + lecture notes
github.com/trekhleb/javascript-algorithms - Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings
- Rosetta Code is a programming chrestomathy site. The idea is to present solutions to the same task in as many different languages as possible, to demonstrate how languages are similar and different, and to aid a person with a grounding in one approach to a problem in learning another.
Grokking Algorithms - An illustrated guide for programmers and other curious people - Aditya Bhargava 2015
VisuAlgo.net - visualising data structures and algorithms through animation
Visualizing Algorithms - beautiful visual sorts and maze searches
Prim’s Algorithm III visuisation
Hacker Earth - Programming Tutorials and Practice Problems
- Lots of algorithms, visualisations and live coding
- HackerEarth/Practice/Bubblesort/Visuliser
- [data-structures]
- [maths]
dean to binary dean to hex
- Linked lists, pointer tricks and good taste
- In a 2016 TED interview (14:10) Linus Torvalds speaks about what he considers good taste in coding
AQA A’Level Hand tracing algorithms Video - Craig and Dave
- The Piecewise Geometric Model index (PGM-index) is a data structure that enables fast lookup, predecessor, range searches and updates in arrays of billions of items using orders of magnitude less space than traditional indexes while providing the same worst-case query time guarantees
- Papers + Sourcecode
vscode: Bracket pair colorization 10,000x faster
- tree incrementally edited
- js batches to not block ui thread (on inital load or
insert) - The feature can be enabled by adding the setting
"editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": true
Background Blur Features in Google Meet, Powered by Web ML
- [raytracing]
- [demoscene]
Sort dances (youtube unplugged activities)
QuickSort MergeSort RadixSort InsertionSort
Kind of realted
- The Skyline algorithm for packing 2D rectangles
- Packing rectangles efficiently (like tetris)
- Tree
- Depth first search
- Breath first search
- Graph
The Problem with Time & Timezones - Computerphile tom scott 10min
- Given a sequence of words - what other words/phrases can be made (not anagrams, these must be in order)
==>I love you
Maze generation visualization - Maze generation visualization
- Rebuilding the spellchecker, pt.2: Just look in the dictionary, they said!
- How Unix Spell Ran in 64kB RAM
How do you fit a 250kB dictionary in 64kB of RAM and still perform fast lookups? For reference, even with modern compression techniques like gzip -9, you can't compress this file below 85kB.
For fast lookups, he initially used a [bloom-filters] perhaps one of its first production uses.