Ray Tracing in One Weekend 2024 Book
- https://twitter.com/KilledByAPixel/status/1627003658125692928 https://jsfiddle.net/605e1wuf/
<canvas id=c><svg onload="setInterval('d=w=j=c.width|=onmousemove=e=>R-=M-(M=e.x/29);S=Math.sin;for(a=S(R),b=S(R+11);j;d+=.1)S(X+(A=j/w*d-d/2)*b-d*a|Z-A*a-d*b)>.4||c.getContext
- Entire raytrace 3d wolfenstein clone with collision detection for movement. JS 256 characters. ASTOUNDING!
- https://github.com/KilledByAPixel/TinyCode
The Super-est SuperFX: An unmodified SNES, revved up with ray tracing
FPGA board adds real-time RT effects, "sticks to the broad spirit of '90s technology."
The SNES is in the driver’s seat
I wrote a Raytracer for DOS, 16 VGA colors video 10min code 5 min demo #dos
The RayTracer Challenge - Test-Driven guide to your first 3d renderer
The path to path-traced movies
- Description of evolution os path models for "incremental" rendering a higher res version of the image stably