Should we be moving away from testing and more to [monitoring]?
- Maybe we should not be writing so many tests - which are the tests that have value
- Test business logic
- Mocking is often complex and fragile
happy path and nasty path
As limited scope as possible with test data
- Favor real dependencies for unit testing Mark Seeman
- Which dependencies should be present in your code base? This article suggests an answer to that question.
- Mocks may not be needed - there are other strategies
Doctest in R?
Not specifying the inputs and letting the test framework fuzz the test
'Test-driven development is double-entry bookkeeping.' @unclebobmartin
(expanding string calculator requirements example) - AI based browser testing
retrospective: An Axiomatic Basis for Computer Programming
Verification technology can only work against errors that have been accurately specified, with as much ac-curacy and attention to detail as all other aspects of the programming task.
- software verification: Automated tests and [formal-specification]
pynguin - The PYthoN General Unit Test geNerator is a test-generation tool for Python
- humm .. unsure of how effective automatically generated tests are - investigate
Contact Testing
- Say goodbye to end-to-end testing
- Testing microservices shouldn't involve setting up complex end-to-end test environments, creating lengthy integration suites and managing test data. Stop wasting time, and start releasing.
- syrupy a replacement for snapshot tests
- Tavern
- Specify tests in yaml as full flows
- I'm unsure if a whole new yaml spec is needed. Could you not write these as python?
- Most flows only need the same subset of features - get url - take params out of return - make another request - check some stuff has changed. The yaml is language agnostic