- [doom]
- [architecture-of-consoles]
- [physics-engine]
- [game-conversions]
- [game-design]
- [game-engines]
- [design-patterns-game]
- [game-maps]
- [history-of-the-games-industry]
- [graphics-evolution]
- [game-file-formats]
- [game-business]
- [demake]
- [pinball]
https://github.com/scottrippey/xquestjs http://scottrippey.github.io/xquestjs/ http://www.swallowtail.org/xquest/
- I made a multiplayer game from scratch because no one is hiring junior devs.
- A video of making an entire game
Microsoft flight sim 2020 - model the world with AI
How Microsoft Flight Simulator Recreated Our Entire Planet | Noclip Documentary 34min NoClip
- Buildings - ai trees, shadow removal, color correction, meather simulation, realtime air traffic, 3d scans of cocpit, lighting (of fog when sun is low), traffic simulation
- see also [simulation]
- Arcade Database
- MAME is one of the most important projects of all time - emulate every know computer in every known configuration
- Arcade Database
- Elite BBC Micro - Code breakdown/documentation
- Fully documented source code for Elite on the BBC Micro and NES
- elite-source-code-commodore-64 Fully documented and annotated source code for Elite on the Commodore 64
- Elite BBC Micro - Code breakdown/documentation
PyGame 2.0 Thank god ... finally ...
- Independent developers showcase of browser based simple games
freecivweb.org - Civilisation multiplayer (with hundreds of players simultaneously)
How to create a 2D game with Python and the Arcade library - Learn how to get started with Arcade, an easy-to-use Python library for creating 2D video games.
- No PyGame - Interesting rational
- a list of open source games and game-related projects that can be found on GitHub - old school text adventures, educational games, 8-bit platform games, browser-based games, indie games, GameJam projects, add-ons/maps/hacks/plugins for commercial games, libraries, frameworks, engines.
- Web browsable and filterable list of mame games
Yet Another Roguelike Tutorial - Written in Python 3 and TCOD #rouge
Roguelikes: The Misnamed Genre
Roguelikes aren’t about dungeons. They’re not about text-based graphics, or random artifacts, or permadeath.
Roguelikes are about complexity.
Roguelikes are about using an unpredictable toolkit with complex interactions in order to overcome unpredictable challenges.
- A Great Old-Timey Game-Programming Hack
- 6809 [assembly] [logical-organization]
- Optimisation for blit-ing by 70%