Low level
(reference electronics - adder, multiplexor, )
Interupt handlers
Ben Eater - Videos of building computers from and/or gates
- How do hardware timers work? 31min
- Assembler interupt to drive a 32bit timer
- How do hardware timers work? 31min
- SunPlus SPMC01B (2000)
- What’s inside a Microsoft mouse? A small SunPlus microcontroller. What’s inside the SunPlus microcontroller? 2.5 kB of ROM, 64 Bytes of RAM, and a 6502 processor!
- Navigate through a 210Mpix image of the die on
IBM PC - 8086
- http://www.righto.com/2020/06/die-shrink-how-intel-scaled-down-8086.html
- http://www.righto.com/2020/08/latches-inside-reverse-engineering.html #reverse-engineering of the IBM pc bios
- High resolution chip maps
The Chip Shortage Keeps Getting Worse. Why Can’t We Just Make More?
- Lay-persons guide to chip fabrication process
Sprite layers (shish gb emulator?) ROM
- pine64.org
- Open laptops, phones, watch, other
- EOMA68 Laptop
- 3d printed open laptop
- Blot
- Open source plotter hardware
- Play music from your LCD monitor with a radio
- Processors leek radiowaves. LCD controller chips leek radio waves. A radio can tune to these frequencies if the lcd display is used to draw pure bars.
- Check the video!
- Finally fixed my PC’s persistent graphics and audio stutters #Troubleshooting
- Persistent stutters (2 seconds) in linux and windows
- Some kind of error correction at a hardware level can keep the machine up ... but there were no logs or trail of what had happened
- LOTS of trial and error
- Some beta driver make it better (in windows and linux!?!)