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Parse bookmarks files

This library can parse formats listed below:


npm install bookmarks-parser


var parse = require("bookmarks-parser");
parse('<title>Pocket Export</title><h1>Unread</h1>'+
      '<ul><li><a href="">Example!</a></li></ul>', function(err, res) {

parse function receives two parameters - text of a exported bookmarks file and callback.

Second parameter returned in the callback is an object with fields:

  • parser - netscape or pocket
  • bookmarks - an array of parsed bookmarks

Each bookmark is an object with fields:

  • type - folder or bookmark
  • title - title of a bookmark or a folder
  • url - URL only for bookmarks
  • children - array of children bookmarks, only for folders
  • ns_root - if the folder is a root this field will contain one of the values: menu, toolbar, unsorted, otherwise null. Applicable only for netscape parser.

If you have found out any bugs or have any questions please feel free to submit it into the issues.

See more examples in the tests.