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Laboratory Measurements

Tiffany J. Callahan edited this page Aug 11, 2021 · 4 revisions

Data Description

To create the mappings, clinical data was pulled in two waves from an OMOP (v5.0) PEDSNet (v3.0)-normalized instance of Children's Hospital of Colorado data (#15-0445). Two types of data were combined prior to performing mapping on this domain:

  • The first wave of data was pulled from CHCO contained only those concepts that were used at least once in clinical practice. This set contained a total of 1,606 LOINC concepts or 4,425 lab test results (more information on how lab test results were identified below).
  • The initial set of CHCO data were supplemented by adding the latest LOINC2HPO annotations. The current annotation set (annotations.tsv; last updated 06/07/2020) was downloaded from the develop branch of the LOINC2HPO GitHub repository on 08/12/2020). Of the 3,119 unique codes obtained from LOINC2HPO (7,421 unique results), 631 overlapped with the OMOP measurement terms retrieved from CHCO and were excluded. An additional 11 concepts were excluded due to being deprecated. The final set of processed terms included 2,477 unique LOINC concepts or 6,844 lab test results.

Identifying LOINC Scale and Result Type

  • All lab test scale types (i.e. ordinal, nominal, quantitative, qualitative, narrative, doc, and panel) were initially eligible to be mapped. The scale type of each lab test was identified by parsing the free-text text in the concept synonym field for the presence of any of the scale types listed above.
  • Result type was identified using a two-step approach. First, we analyzed the reference ranges available in the patient data. If at least one numeric result was reported, the result type was recorded as Normal/Low/High and if a positive or negative result was reported it was recorded as Positive/Negative. Then, for all lab tests without a reference range in the data, the result type was obtained by parsing the free-text in the concept synonym field. For all tests with an ordinal scale type, if the keywords presence or screen were identified, the result type was reported as Positive/Negative. All tests with a quantitative scale type were given the result type Normal/Low/High. All other scale types were annotated with Unknown Result Type.

SQL Queries

  • CHCO Measurements Used in Practice (GitHub Gist)
  • Standard LOINC2HPO Concepts Not Used In Practice (GitHub Gist)

An example of the output data produced by these queries is shown below (click on image to enlarge it):

Ontology Data

OMOP Measurement concept ids were mapped to:

Mapping Examples

An example of the mappings generated for the concepts in the table above shown below (click on image to enlarge it):

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