This repository holds the source code for the Caltech Air Quality portal and
If you want to try running the site locally, install webserver.
Run the build script in the air-sampling
repository directory by typing:
# or (depending on python configuration)
This will create a site/
directory with the built site.
You can preview the site by typing webserver start site
. Then open a browser and go to http://localhost:8000
This documentation is if you want to re-create the existing real-time data infrastructure.
Create an Amazon Dynamo DB table called air-sampling-table with primary key
'date' with type string and sort key called time
with type number. The default settings are fine.
We use a separate table with only a date
primary key for air-sampling-bands,
since these values are only updated once a day.
Then create an IAM role that allows access to the table. Click Add role, Select Lambda, Attach AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole policy, and call the role air-sampling. Then select the role, click the small add inline policy box in the upper right hand corner, pick DynamoDB as the service, search for PutItem, and search for the ARN for the Dynamo DB table you just created. Click review policy and set AirSamplingWriteAccess as the name.
Then go to Lambda, create a new function called get-air-values, and select the air-sampling role. Paste the script into the editor save.
You'll need to make two other lambda functions for and which will accept data submissions from users with an API key.
Next go to API Gateway, Select New API, Select REST API, call it air-sampling, and
select Edge optimized. Create a Resource with name submit
and select API
Gateway CORS. Pick /Submit and then Add Action, pick POST and click the check
box. We're doing a Lambda integration with Lambda proxy integration and
add-air-values as the function. Click the Test button, paste the contents of
into the body field, and see if data passes through lambda and into the database.
Then create a new resource with name get_air
, add a GET action with a Lambda
proxy integration with get-air-values as the function. Click the test buttin
and you should see the date you entered returned. If you add a query parameter
, you should see data returned in a csv format.
To deploy, in API Keys create a new key with name Testing. Go back to /submit, post, settings and check API key required.
Go to Actions, Deploy API, create a new stage called test. Then go to Usage Plans, Create a new plan called Air Sampling, set a rate of 10 requests per second and 100,000 requests per day, add air-sampling with stage test, and then attach the Testing API key we created earlier. If you go to the api stage you should see a Invoke URL.
In order to serve multiple domains, we use a standard S3 bucket and Cloudfront distribution on AWS. Each commit to this repo triggers a GitHub action which builds the site and transfers the contents to the S3 bucket.
You can submit sampling data at:
``curl -H "x-api-key: KEY" --request POST -d @citaqs_pkt.txt```
You can submit air sampling bands (one per day) at
curl -H "x-api-key: KEY" --request POST -d @citaqs_band_pkt.txt
Please raise an issue on the issue tracker in this repository
Contributions are accepted via pull request.
Software produced by the Caltech Library is Copyright (C) 2022-25, Caltech. This software is freely distributed under a BSD/MIT type license. Please see the LICENSE file for more information.
Kian Badie wrote the portal generation process and implemented the portal styling and design Tom Morrell wrote the real-time data workflow and coordinated the development Vicki Chiu designed the portal interface
This work was funded by the Resnick Sustainability Institute and the California Institute of Technology Library.