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add self-training fig
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Michael-Geuenich committed Jun 2, 2023
1 parent 545aab8 commit 8950545
Showing 1 changed file with 314 additions and 0 deletions.
314 changes: 314 additions & 0 deletions pipeline/figures/pred-labeling.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@

pred_lab_acc <- read_tsv("output/v8/new/pred-labeling-accuracy.tsv")

pdf("output/v8/paper-figures/Supp-pred-labelling-acc.pdf", height = 10, width = 12)
pred_lab_acc |>
filter(.metric == "f_meas") |>
mutate(pred_sel = gsub("top", "", pred_sel),
pred_sel = paste0(pred_sel, "%")) |>
mutate(pred_sel = factor(pred_sel, c("10%", "50%", "100%"))) |>
mutate(pred = case_when(pred == "multinom" ~ "LR",
pred == "rf" ~ "RF"),
selection_procedure = case_when(selection_procedure == "MarkerSeurat-clustering" ~ "AR Marker",
selection_procedure == "NoMarkerSeurat-clustering" ~ "AR No Marker",
selection_procedure == "Active-Learning_entropy" ~ "AL Highest entropy",
selection_procedure == "Active-Learning_maxp" ~ "AL Lowest maxp",
selection_procedure == "random" ~ "Random")) |>
ggplot(aes(x = pred_sel, y = .estimate, fill = pred)) +
geom_boxplot() +
labs(x = "Percentage of most confidently labelled cells selected",
fill = "Self-\ntraining\nalgorithm", y = "F-1 score") +
scale_fill_manual(values = al_colours()) +
facet_grid(selection_procedure~mod+cell_num) +
whatsthatcell_theme() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1))

pred_lab_acc_pub <- pred_lab_acc |>
filter(.metric == "f_meas" & selection_procedure == "MarkerSeurat-clustering") |>
mutate(pred_sel = gsub("top", "", pred_sel),
pred_sel = paste0(pred_sel, "%")) |>
mutate(pred_sel = factor(pred_sel, c("10%", "50%", "100%"))) |>
mutate(pred = case_when(pred == "multinom" ~ "LR",
pred == "rf" ~ "RF"))

plot_pred_lab_acc <- function(acc, cohort, x_lab = FALSE){
x_lab <- "Percentage of most confidently\nlabelled cells selected"
x_lab <- ""

filter(acc, mod == cohort) |>
ggplot(aes(x = pred_sel, y = .estimate, fill = pred)) +
geom_boxplot() +
labs(x = x_lab, fill = "Self-\ntraining\nalgorithm",
title = cohort, y = "F1-score") +
scale_fill_manual(values = al_colours()) +
facet_wrap(~cell_num, nrow = 1) +
whatsthatcell_theme() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1))

pred_lab_acc_plot <- plot_pred_lab_acc(pred_lab_acc_pub, "CyTOF") |
plot_pred_lab_acc(pred_lab_acc_pub, "scRNASeq", TRUE) & theme(axis.title.y = element_blank()) |
plot_pred_lab_acc(pred_lab_acc_pub, "snRNASeq") & theme(axis.title.y = element_blank())

## Benchmarking with predictive labelling data
scrna <- read_tsv("output/v8/new/pred2/benchmark-predictive-labeling-scRNASeq.tsv") |>
mutate(AL_alg = sub(".*-ALAlg-", "", selection_procedure),
selection_procedure = sub("-ALAlg-.*", "", selection_procedure),
cohort = "scRNASeq")
snrna <- read_tsv("output/v8/new/pred2/benchmark-predictive-labeling-snRNASeq.tsv") |>
mutate(AL_alg = sub(".*-ALAlg-", "", selection_procedure),
selection_procedure = sub("-ALAlg-.*", "", selection_procedure),
cohort = "snRNASeq")

cytof <- read_tsv("output/v8/new/pred2/benchmark-predictive-labeling-CyTOF.tsv") |>
mutate(AL_alg = sub(".*-ALAlg-", "", selection_procedure),
selection_procedure = sub("-ALAlg-.*", "", selection_procedure),
cohort = "CyTOF")

acc <- bind_rows(scrna, snrna, cytof)

cell_nums <- as.character(sort(unique(acc$cell_num)))
acc$cell_num <- factor(acc$cell_num, levels = cell_nums)

### Main figure - accuracies
baseline_acc <- acc |>
select(-rand, -corrupted, -.estimator, -pred_lab_alg) |>
filter(cell_selection == "baseline") |>
unite("method", c(method, knn, res, cell_num, initial, seed,
selection_procedure, .metric, AL_alg, cohort), sep = ",")

pred_lab_acc <- acc |>
select(-rand, -corrupted, -.estimator) |>
filter(cell_selection != "baseline") |>
unite("method", c(method, knn, res, cell_num, initial, seed, selection_procedure,
.metric, AL_alg, cohort), sep = ',') |>
pivot_wider(names_from = pred_lab_alg, values_from = .estimate)

acc_gap <- left_join(pred_lab_acc,
select(baseline_acc, -cell_selection),
by = "method") |>
pivot_longer(c(multinom, rf), values_to = ".estimate_pred_lab", names_to = "pred_labeller") |>
mutate(gap = ((.estimate_pred_lab / .estimate) * 100) - 100) |>
separate(method, c("method", "knn", "res", "cell_num", "initial", "seed",
"selection_procedure", ".metric", "AL_alg", "cohort"), sep = ",")

# Which is better rf or LR?
lr_vs_rf <- acc_gap |>
mutate(pred_labeller = case_when(pred_labeller == "multinom" ~ "LR",
pred_labeller == "rf" ~ "RF"),
cell_selection = gsub("top", "", cell_selection),
cell_selection = paste0(cell_selection, "%"),
cell_selection = factor(cell_selection, levels = c("10%", "50%", "100%"))) |>
filter(selection_procedure == "MarkerSeurat-clustering" & cell_num == 100, .metric == "f_meas") |>
ggplot(aes(x = method, y = gap, fill = pred_labeller)) +
geom_boxplot() +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#DA94D4", "#7EA3CC")) +
labs(x = "Cell type assignment method", y = "% change in F1-score",
fill = "Self-\ntraining\nalgorithm") +
facet_wrap(~cohort + cell_selection, scales = "free", nrow = 1) +
whatsthatcell_theme() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1))

# Compare improvement to original accuracy by selection procedure
comp_dataset <- acc_gap |>
filter(.metric == "f_meas", cell_num == 100) |>
filter(initial == "random" | | initial == "NA") |>
filter(AL_alg == 'rf' | | AL_alg == "NA") |>
filter(pred_labeller == "multinom" & cell_selection == "top50") |>
mutate(selection_procedure = case_when(selection_procedure == "random" ~ "Random",
selection_procedure == "MarkerSeurat-clustering" ~ "AR Marker",
selection_procedure == "NoMarkerSeurat-clustering" ~ "AR No Marker",
selection_procedure == "0.05-maxp-AL" ~ "AL 0.05 maxp",
selection_procedure == "0.25-maxp-AL" ~ "AL 0.25 maxp",
selection_procedure == "0.75-entropy-AL" ~ "AL 0.75 entropy",
selection_procedure == "0.95-entropy-AL" ~ "AL 0.95 entropy",
selection_procedure == "highest-entropy-AL" ~ "AL highest entropy",
selection_procedure == "lowest-maxp-AL" ~ "AL lowest maxp"))

plot_comp <- function(df, ncol, ylab = "", xlab = ""){
if(ylab != ""){
ylab <- "Baseline F1-score"
if(xlab != ""){
xlab <- "% Self-training improvement"
df |>
ggplot(aes(x = gap, y = .estimate, colour = selection_procedure)) +
geom_point() +
labs(x = xlab,
y = ylab,
colour = "Selection procedure") +
whatsthatcell_theme() +
facet_wrap(~method, ncol = ncol)

cytof_gap <- comp_dataset |>
filter(cohort == "CyTOF") |>
plot_comp(1, ylab = "Label") +
labs(title = "CyTOF")

scrnaseq_gap <- comp_dataset |>
filter(cohort == "scRNASeq") |>
plot_comp(2, xlab = "label") +
labs(title = "scRNASeq")

snrnaseq_gap <- comp_dataset |>
filter(cohort == "snRNASeq") |>
plot_comp(2) +
labs(title = "snRNASeq")

gap_comb <- (cytof_gap | scrnaseq_gap | snrnaseq_gap) +
plot_layout(guides = "collect", widths = c(0.65, 1, 1))

# Detecting mislabelled cells
cytof <- list.files("output/v8/identify_mislabelled/CyTOF/", full.names = TRUE)
scrna <- list.files("output/v8/identify_mislabelled/scRNASeq/", full.names = TRUE)
snrna <- list.files("output/v8/identify_mislabelled/snRNASeq/", full.names = TRUE)

mislabelled_pred <- lapply(c(cytof, scrna, snrna), function(x){
df <- read_tsv(x)
probs <- select(df, -c(cell_id, pred_type, corr_cell_type, gt_cell_type, params))

df$entropy <- apply(probs, 1, calculate_entropy)
df$entropy <- df$entropy / log(ncol(probs), 2)

select(df, cell_id, entropy, pred_type, corr_cell_type, gt_cell_type, params)
}) |> bind_rows() |>
separate(params, c("rm_mod", "modality", "rm_pred", "predAlg", "rm_seed", "seed")) |>

mislabelled_pred_plot <- mislabelled_pred |>
mutate(cell_is_corrupt = corr_cell_type != gt_cell_type,
predAlg = case_when(predAlg == "multinom" ~ "LR",
predAlg == "rf" ~ "RF")) |>
ggplot(aes(x = gt_cell_type, y = entropy, fill = cell_is_corrupt)) +
geom_boxplot() +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#8B80F9", "#F03560")) +
labs(x = "Ground truth cell type", y = "Scaled entropy", fill = "Cell corrupted\nduring training") +
facet_grid(predAlg~modality, scales = "free") +
whatsthatcell_theme() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1))

pdf("output/v8/paper-figures/pred-labelling.pdf", height = 14, width = 12)
(wrap_elements(full = pred_lab_acc_plot + plot_layout(guides = "collect"))) /
wrap_elements(full = lr_vs_rf & labs(title = "")) /
wrap_elements(full = gap_comb) /
mislabelled_pred_plot +
plot_layout(heights = c(1, 1.1, 1.3, 1.4)) +
plot_annotation(tag_levels = "A")

sup_acc_gap <- acc_gap |>
mutate(selection_procedure = case_when(selection_procedure == "random" ~ "Random",
selection_procedure == "MarkerSeurat-clustering" ~ "AR Marker",
selection_procedure == "NoMarkerSeurat-clustering" ~ "AR No Marker",
selection_procedure == "0.05-maxp-AL" ~ "AL 0.05 maxp",
selection_procedure == "0.25-maxp-AL" ~ "AL 0.25 maxp",
selection_procedure == "0.75-entropy-AL" ~ "AL 0.75 entropy",
selection_procedure == "0.95-entropy-AL" ~ "AL 0.95 entropy",
selection_procedure == "highest-entropy-AL" ~ "AL highest entropy",
selection_procedure == "lowest-maxp-AL" ~ "AL lowest maxp")) |>
mutate(pred_labeller = case_when(pred_labeller == "multinom" ~ "LR",
pred_labeller == "rf" ~ "RF"))

plot_sup_gap <- function(df, sel_cohort){
filter(df, cohort == sel_cohort & .metric == "f_meas") |>
mutate(cell_selection = gsub("top", "", cell_selection),
cell_selection = paste0(cell_selection, "%"),
cell_selection = factor(cell_selection, levels = c("10%", "50%", "100%"))) |>
ggplot(aes(x = method, y = gap, fill = pred_labeller)) +
geom_boxplot() +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#DA94D4", "#7EA3CC")) +
labs(x = "Cell type assignment method", y = "% change in F1-score",
fill = "Self-\ntraining\nalgorithm") +
facet_grid(cell_selection + cell_num~selection_procedure, scales = "free") +
whatsthatcell_theme() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, vjust = 1))

pdf("output/v8/paper-figures/Supp-CyTOF-f1-improvement.pdf", width = 12, height = 8)
plot_sup_gap(sup_acc_gap, "CyTOF")

pdf("output/v8/paper-figures/Supp-scRNASeq-f1-improvement.pdf", width = 12, height = 8)
plot_sup_gap(sup_acc_gap, "scRNASeq")

pdf("output/v8/paper-figures/Supp-snRNASeq-f1-improvement.pdf", width = 12, height = 8)
plot_sup_gap(sup_acc_gap, "snRNASeq")

### As function of number of cells predictively labelled
test <- bind_rows(
select(pred_lab_acc, method, cell_selection, multinom) |>
dplyr::rename(".estimate" = "multinom"),
) |>
filter(cell_selection != "top200") |>
mutate(cell_selection = factor(cell_selection, c("baseline", "top10", "top50", "top100"))) |>
#filter(method == "Random-Forest,10,0.4,100,NA,0,MarkerSeurat-clustering,kap,NA,scRNASeq") |>
separate(method, c("alg", "knn", "res", "cell_num", "initial", "seed",
"selection_procedure", ".metric", "AL_alg", "cohort"), sep = ",",
remove = FALSE) |>
filter(.metric == "sensitivity") |>
filter(initial == "NA" | | initial == "random") |>
filter(AL_alg == "NA" | | AL_alg == "multinom")

test |>
filter(alg == "Random-Forest", selection_procedure == "random") |>
ggplot(aes(x = cell_selection, y = .estimate, group = method, colour = cell_num)) +
geom_point() +
geom_line() +
facet_grid(selection_procedure ~ cohort + alg) +

select(baseline_acc, -cell_selection),
by = "method") |>
#pivot_wider(names_from = "cell_selection", values_from = "multinom")

med_gap <- acc_gap |>
filter(.metric == "f_meas") |>
filter(initial == "NA" | | initial == "random") |>
filter(AL_alg == "NA" | | AL_alg == "multinom") |>
group_by(method, cell_num, selection_procedure, cohort, cell_selection, pred_labeller) |>
summarize(median_gap = median(na.omit(gap)))

med_gap |>
filter(pred_labeller == "multinom" & method ) |>
ggplot(aes(x = cell_selection, y = median_gap, colour = cell_num)) +
geom_line() +
facet_grid(selection_procedure ~ cohort + method) +

med_gap |>
filter(cell_selection != "top200") |>
mutate(cell_selection = factor(cell_selection, levels = c("top10", "top50", "top100"))) |>
filter(pred_labeller == "multinom" & method == "CyTOF-LDA" & cell_num == 100, cohort == "CyTOF" &
selection_procedure == "0.05-maxp-AL") |>
ggplot(aes(x = cell_selection, y = median_gap)) +
#geom_line()# +
# facet_grid(selection_procedure ~ cohort + method) +
# whatsthatcell_theme()

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