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This connector is used to manage CSV files. It can read files (with filter and pagination), write files, and update files.




A CVS is an ASCII file. The file contains multiple lines. The first line is the definition, and each other line is a record, one record per line. The definition line contains a series of fields separated by a separator. By default, the separator is a ";".


Pierre-Yves;Monnet;[email protected];833 Washington av;San Francisco;USA
Francis;Hulster;[email protected];65 champs Elysée;Paris;France
Daniel;Anderson;[email protected];367 Random St;Los Angeles


The Reader can be

  • a process variable
  • a file

The FileStorage library ( is used. The file can be available via URL, CMIS drive, or anywhere the FileStorage library manages.


Filters can be applied to extract only some information, like actors living in Los Angeles.

Pagination is a filter that returns only a specific page.


Transformers change the content. Columns can be added or removed, and string fields can be transformed into Integers or Dates.

Conversely, some Object String transformations can be applied to transform a into a String. This is useful when the source is a process variable and a CSV is built.


Matcher is used to update the content. For example, I could change Daniel Anderson's address.

Matcher references a set of data. For example

Daniel;Anderson;412 Washington av;Albany;

Matcher uses a key (for example, FirstName and LastName). Matcher updates the content when the correlation matches.


Different writers exist to store the result

  • in a process variable
  • in a file. Any file supported by the FileStorage is accepted.

Functions available in the connector

The connector asks for a function. The function determines the management inside the connector.


Return information on the CSV, including the number of items and headers. During the get-properties, a filter can be used to obtain unique information. The function returns the total number (number of records) and the number according to the filter. For example, with a filter city=Paris, the function returns the number of records for which the city is Paris.

The get-properties use Reader and accept Filters.


See Readers section

See Filter sections


Name Description Class Level
csvHeader List of fields in the Header List<java.lang.String> REQUIRED
numberOfRecords Number of record updated Integer REQUIRED
totalNumberOfRecords Number total of record processed Integer REQUIRED
fileVariableReference it TypeStorage == FILE, the reference to the file File Variable OPTIONAL
records if TypeStorage == PROCESSVARIABLE, the content List<Map<String,Object>> OPTIONAL

BPMN Errors

Name Explanation
ERROR_UNKNOWN_FUNCTION The function is unknown. There is a limited number of operation
GET_PROPERTIES Error during the get-properties
CANT_PROCESS_CSV Error during processing the CSV
TOO_MUCH_FIELDS_IN_LINE The header describe some fields, and a line describe more fields
NO_HEADER A Csv file must have one line, to describe the list of fields in the CSV file

See Reader, Filter section.


The process accepts all operations: Reader, Filter, Transformer, Matcher, Writer.

For example, to read a CSV file to a process variable, the Reader is File, and pagination may be used. The Writer is a process variable .

To write a CSV file from a process variable, the Reader will be processVariable, and the Writer File

To filter a file, the Reader is File, a filter is defined, and the Writer is File.


See Reader, Filter, Transformer, Mapper, Writer section.


Name Description Class Level
csvHeader List of fields in the Header List<java.lang.String> REQUIRED
numberOfRecords Number of record updated Integer REQUIRED
totalNumberOfRecords Number total of record processed Integer REQUIRED
fileVariableReference it TypeStorage == FILE, the reference to the file File Variable OPTIONAL
records if TypeStorage == PROCESSVARIABLE, the content List<Map<String,Object>> OPTIONAL

BPMN Errors

See Reader, Filter, Transformer, Mapper, Writer section.

Name Explanation
ERROR_UNKNOWN_FUNCTION The function is unknown. There is a limited number of operation
CANT_PROCESS_CSV Error during processing the CSV
TOO_MUCH_FIELDS_IN_LINE The header describe some fields, and a line describe more fields
NO_HEADER A Csv file must have one line, to describe the list of fields in the CSV file
BAD_STORAGE_DEFINITION Storage definition is not correct

Read Properties



There are two readers:

  • Process variable. The structure is a List<Map<String, Object>>. If this is not the variable's structure, the error is thrown.
  • File. Any file referenced via the FileStorage is accepted. The file must be an ASCII (Charset is a parameter) with multiple lines. Each column is separated by a Separator (a parameter). The first line defines the Header.


Name Description Class Default Level
userRealm The user is created in a realm java.lang.String camunda-platform REQUIRED

Bpmn errors:

Name Explanation
CANT_ACCESS_INPUTRECORDS InputRecord variable is not defined
CANT_ACCESS_FILE Csv File can't be accessible
UNSUPPORTED_TYPE_STORAGE The Type storage is not supported by the function


A Filter reduces the content.

There are two filters:

  • Selection
  • Pagination


The selection filter verifies if the record should be kept or rejected.

A filter is a MAP record: a key-value record.

For example, the filter keeps only people named Lewis living in the USA

{"lastName": "Lewis", "country": "USA"}


Name Description Class Default Level
Filter Filter to apply java.lang.Map OPTIONAL

Bpmn errors:

No errors

Pagination Filter

This filter takes two inputs: the page size and the page number (which start at 0)


Name Description Class Default Level
pageSize Size of one page java.lang.Integer REQUIRED
PageNumber Number of the page to read (start at 0) java.lang.Integer REQUIRED

Bpmn errors:

No errors


Each function onboard the Transformer. There are two kinds of transformers:

  • String to object. Then, when a CSV file is read, a String type like 2024-05-23 11:43:13 can be translated to a Date object.
  • Object to String. These transformers are used more during a write operation to transform a date object into a string.


The field list keeps only some fields (column).

For example, the Input is

Leonardo;DiCaprio;[email protected];123 Hollywood Blvd;Los Angeles;90038;USA

apply the fieldList

["firstName", "lastName", "email"]

The result is

Leonardo;DiCaprio;[email protected];123 Hollywood Blvd;Los Angeles;90038;USA


Name Description Class Default Level
fieldsResult List of fields to kept java.lang.List OPTIONAL

Bpmn errors:

No errors


An operation applies to a field in the CSV. It impacts the field, but a function can impact other fields in the data.


Name Description Class Default Level
operations List of operation java.lang.Map OPTIONAL

Bpmn errors:

Name Explanation
BAD_TRANSFORMATION_DEFINITION The operation given does not have the expected number of parameters
BAD_TRANSFORMATION_EXECUTION Error during execute an operation

Operations are described in a JSON as a Map. The key is the field's name, and the Value is the mapper to be applied to it. Each mapper is on the form <Name>(<Parameters>). Parameters are a list of Values:key and the order of parameters do not care.

Input mappers:

"stamp": "now(LocalDate)",
"PIB": "StringToCurrency(locale:US,unitField:PIBCurrency,error:0)",
"Population": "StringToLong(locale:US,error:null)",
"age": "StringToInteger(error:0)",
"averageAgeParent": "StringToDouble(error:null)",
"distanceWork": "StringToFloat(error:null)",
"emailPerso": "Email(error:null)",
"DateOfLastElection": "StringToDate(format:yyyy-MM-dd,typeData:LocalDate,error:null)",
"Production": "StringToUnit(typeData:Double,locale:US,unitField:ProductionUnit,error:0)",
"CapitalDistance": "StringToUnit(locale:US,unitField:CapitalDistanceUnit,error:0)"

An OutputMapper

  "stamp": "now(LocalDate)",
  "age": "NumberToString(locale:US)",
  "averageAgeParent": "NumberToString(locale:US)",
  "distanceWork": "NumberToString(locale:US)",
  "PIB": "CurrencyToString(locale:US,unitField:PIBCurrency)",
  "DateOfLastElection": "DateToString(format:yyyy-MM-dd)",
  "CapitalDistance": "UnitToString(locale:US,unitField:CapitalDistanceUnit)"


The current date and time are set in the field. The date's type is given as a parameter (see Data Date Types).


parameter explanation
typeData type of Java object


"stamp": "Now(typeData:LocalDate)"


Transform a string to a Data. The date's type is given as a parameter (see Data Date Types). The format is JAVA. Visit See and


parameter explanation
typeData type of Java object
format format of the decode.
error Value in case of error, else throw a Connectorexception




Transform a String in Integer. The number's type is a parameter (see Number Date Types). The Local decrypts the string: 12,345.43 in the US, the same number as '12 345,43` in France.


parameter explanation
typeData type of Java object
locale Locale to decode the string. If not given, the default of the Java Machine is used
error Value in case of error, else throw a Connectorexception


"age": "StringToInteger(error:0)",


Transform a String to long. The string can define local number, like 1,234,567 in the US, where the same number is 1 234 567 in France. if an error parameter is provided, this is used in case of error. If the parameter is not provided, then an exception is throw.

Null is a value: the object cbntains null. Example:



Same as the String To Long, but for double. The decimal separator change according the local.

"averageage": "StringToDouble(locale:US,error:0)",


Same as String to Long, but produce a Float. Decimal separator change according to the local.

"distanceWork": "StringToFloat(locale:US,error:12)",


Check the string is an email, meaning containing an @ in the content.

"emailPerso": "Email(error:null)",


The String To unit get a String like 544 Kwh and transform it in two values:

  • the number in Double (544)
  • the unit (Kwh)

Locale is used to define the method to decrypt the number. UnitField is the fied where the unit will be saved.


"CapitalDistance": "StringToUnit(locale:US,unitField:CapitalDistanceUnit,error:0)",


The operation works the same as the StringToUnit

It get a String like $5466.45 or 45655 €and transform it in two values:

  • the number in Double (5466.45 or 45655)
  • the currency ($ or €)

Locale is used to define the method to decrypt the number. UnitField is the fied where the unit will be saved.


"PIB": "StringToCurrency(locale:US,unitField:PIBCurrency,error:0)",

The mapper does that change.

Value in PIB in CSV Local PIB PIBCurrency
$ 120 US 120 $
$ 3,553.45323 US 3554.45423 $
554.45 EURO US 554.43 EURO
554.45 € US 554.43
554,45 € FR 554.43


Transform a number to a String, using the Local to format it.

"age": "NumberToString(locale:US)",


Take two fields, and create one, merging the unitField at the end.



Take two fields, merging them. The $ currency is placed in head of the number

"PIB": "CurrencyToCurrency(locale:US,unitField:PIBCurrency)",


Take a date, and transform it using the format.


Data Number Types

The different data type supported are

  • Integer
  • Long
  • Double
  • Float

Data Date Types

The different data type supported are

  • Date
  • LocalDate
  • LocalDateTime
  • ZonedDateTime


The update takes as Input a List Of Records called Matchers. These records are stored in a process variable. The Input KeyFields lists the fields used for the correlation.

Each record of the CSV is checked with all the Matcher. When a record matches (i.e., all keyFields are identical), the record is updated with the matched data.

3 policies of update exist:


One record can be updated by multiple Matcher.

SINGLEORNONE One record can be updated by 0 or 1 Matcher

SINGLE One record must be updated by 1 and only 1 Matcher

Note: Update is optional, so this function can only run a transformer or a mapper.


Name Description Class Default Level
operations List of operation java.lang.Map OPTIONAL

BPMN Errors:

Name Explanation
BAD_MATCHER_DEFINITION A matcher must define the keys used for the correlation
ONE_RECORD_DOES_NOT_MATCH_UNIQUEEACH The update policy specify each item must match one and only one record
ONE_RECORD_DOES_NOT_MATCH_UNIQUE The update policy specify each item must match one, or no record

Use case 1

In this CSV

Harper;Wilson;[email protected];663 Random St;Boston;68792;USA
Ethan;Jackson;[email protected];162 Random St;San Francisco;34490;USA
01;Monnet;[email protected];162 Random St;San Francisco;34490;USA
Scarlett;Clark;[email protected];988 Random St;Boston;72830;USA

The CSV must be completed by adding a state name and state abbreviation. The keyFields is


The result is

"city": "Boston",
"state": "Massachusetts",
"stateAbbreviation": "MA"
"city": "Austin",
"state": "Texas",
"stateAbbreviation": "TX"
"city": "Los Angeles",
"state": "California",
"stateAbbreviation": "CA"
"city": "San Francisco",
"state": "California",
"stateAbbreviation": "CA"

The first record, data["city"] == "Boston". The first match is identity: matcher["city"] == "Boston". The Matcher is applied. The data become

Harper;Wilson;[email protected];663 Random St;Boston;68792;USA;Massachusetts;MA

For the second data, the Matcher is San Francisco.

The policy update can be MULTIPLE or SINGLEORNONE, to not stop if the city is not on the list of Matcher.

Use case 2

In the same list, an actor's address must be updated. The list of matches contains

  "firstName": "Harper",
  "lastName": "Wilson",
  "address": "1435 Washington Av",
  "city": "Albany",
  "zipcode": "94706",
  "state": "California",
  "stateAbbreviation": "CA"

and the keyField is

["firstName", "lastName"]

The correlation is based on the actor's name, and only one Matcher is supposed to work. But all the content will not be updated. So the policy is SINGLEORNONE


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