Harbor is an open-source Container Registry. Harbor Installation On Docker step one step.
tar xzvf harbor-online-installer-version.tgz
cd harbor
sudo nano harbor.yml
set hostname : registry.xxx.com
close https configuration
set external_url: https://registry.xxx.com
set data_volume:/data/docker-volumes/harbor
save and quit
run ./install.sh
It’s okey. You can go to your url “http://registry.xxx.com"
You also see this error if Harbor uses HTTPS with an unknown CA certificate. In this case, obtain the registry’s CA certificate, and copy it to /etc/docker/certs.d/myregistrydomain.com/ca.crt.
if you get an "unknown blob" error on pull and push commands.
cd harbor
vi docker-compose.yml
add the registry service's env: