The Docker image is based on this but with the latest LTS version of node (v12).
Run these commands while in the root of this repository.
Build the docker image: docker build -t backend .
Start a long-running Docker container: docker run backend
You may close the terminal window after Docker starts up and the container
will remain running.
Open a bash session inside the container:
docker exec -t -i <your-conatiner-id> bash -l
For more information check out this and if that doesn't have enough information then try this
Get the proper credentials from slack and upload them to a folder named certs. Mqtt will use these creds to publish/subscribe to messages. This does not require IAM authentication when using certs, this is taken care of with signing inside of the sdk.
There is no concept of creating new topics in MQTT. It appears that you are free to publish or subscribe to anything. In this app, a sample device is connected then publishes and reads from a topic. Messages can also be sent from postman
In order to make a successful Postman request, we needed to:
- Setup an IAM user with permission to read/config IOT
- Set auth (authentication tab) in postman with access and secret key
- In auth, go to advanced —> set service name to be “iotdata”
- Cert config is not necessary