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biPOD is a package to infer kinetic parameters of an evolving population whose size is observed at discrete intervals of time. The tool is able to:

  1. Infer growth rates and instant of birth of a population of cells when time windows and change points are known. This includes:
    • Calculating exponential growth rates for different time periods (e.g., treatment phase, relapse phase)
    • Determining the upper limit for the population’s birth time if growth is observed in the initial window
    • Handling multiple time windows with predefined change points
  2. Identify optimal change points in population dynamics when these transition times are not known, by:
    • Analyzing population size data to detect significant changes in growth patterns
    • Computing the most likely moments when population behavior shifts
    • Optimizing the placement of change points to best fit the observed data
  3. Analyze dual-population scenarios typical in treatment-to-relapse cases, characterized by:
    • Inferring separate growth rates for resistant and sensitive cell populations
    • Determining the birth time of the resistant population
    • Calculating the death time of the sensitive population
    • Modeling the characteristic U-shaped dynamics that emerge from the interplay between these populations

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# install.packages("devtools")

Copyright and contacts

Cancer Data Science (CDS) Laboratory, University of Trieste, Italy.


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