Here are a few selected OSS projects to which I've made significant contributions (code, code review, documentation, etc.):
- JuliaLang/julia: I'm contributing to the Julia programming language / community in various forms since 2016.
- JuliaFolds2/OhMyThreads.jl: simple high-level multithreading framework for Julia
- carstenbauer/ThreadPinning.jl: interactively pin Julia threads to hardware threads (MPI+Threads support).
- JuliaPerf/LIKWID.jl: low-level hardware performance monitoring based on LIKWID.
- JuliaFolds2/ChunkSplitters.jl: splitting collections into chunks (for parallel processing)
- JuliaPerf/STREAMBenchmark.jl: STREAM maximal memory bandwidth benchmark in Julia
- JuliaPerf/ScoreP.jl: tracing and profiling Julia code with Score-P.
- carstenbauer/MonteCarlo.jl: framework for classical and quantum Monte Carlo simulations in Julia
- carstenbauer/BinningAnalysis.jl: statistical standard error estimation tools for correlated data
- ...
I regularly run workshops about Julia for High-Performance Computing at research institutions and HPC centers. To get an impression, feel free to check out these repos:
- carstenbauer/JuliaDeltft24 (TU Delft)
- carstenbauer/JuliaHLRS24 (High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart)
- carstenbauer/JuliaUCL24 (University College London)
Find further information on my website. Feel free to reach out!