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Repository files navigation


Navigate to a GitHub repo, issue, or pull request via dmenu



This package is published via npm and requires Node >=10

Install globally with your node package manager of choice


$ npm install -g ghmenu

$ yarn global add ghmenu


ghmenu requires a GitHub personal access token with repo access to be stored via pass as tokens/github/repo. This prevents the need to keep it hanging around on your machine as an environment variable, or otherwise insecurely stored.

If you've never used pass before, install and initialize it first as described in here, then generate your token, and store it as such...

$ pass insert tokens/github/repo

Now you may call ghmenu from the terminal, although you probably want to bind it to a hotkey. Using i3, you may add the following line to your ~/.config/i3/config file...

bindsym $mod+g exec --no-startup-id ghmenu


  • Make sure you have Node >=10 installed and available from the environment that ghmenu is being invoked from. If you use n, nvm, or some other Node version manager, the node bin may not exist outside of your shell

  • Ensure your node package manager's global bin directory has been added to the PATH. You may wish to use $(npm bin -g)/ghmenu or $(yarn global bin)/ghmenu in your i3 (or wherever) config