Analiza si exploatarea datelor
Rooms: Number of rooms
Price: Price in dollars
Method: S - property sold; SP - property sold prior; PI - property passed in; PN - sold prior not disclosed; SN - sold not disclosed; NB - no bid; VB - vendor bid; W - withdrawn prior to auction; SA - sold after auction; SS - sold after auction price not disclosed. N/A - price or highest bid not available.
Type: br - bedroom(s); h - house,cottage,villa, semi,terrace; u - unit, duplex; t - townhouse; dev site - development site; o res - other residential.
SellerG: Real Estate Agent
Date: Date sold
Distance: Distance from CBD
Regionname: General Region (West, North West, North, North east …etc)
Propertycount: Number of properties that exist in the suburb.
Bedroom2 : Scraped # of Bedrooms (from different source)
Bathroom: Number of Bathrooms
Car: Number of carspots
Landsize: Land Size
BuildingArea: Building Size
CouncilArea: Governing council for the area