This repository contains the software, scripts and data to reproduce the results corresponding to the D. melanogaster experiment of the Pergola paper.
If you have not install yet docker and nextflow, follow this intructions
git clone --recursive
cd melanogaster-pergola-reproduce
Data is publicly available in Zenodo as a compressed tarball .
Data can be downloaded and uncompressed using the following command:
mkdir data
wget -O- | tar xz -C data
The original data can be downloaded from the following source. This data has to be processes using Jaaba to annotated chase behavior from the video recordings available on this link.
Pull the Docker image use for processing data with Pergola (Pergola and its dependencies installed)
docker pull pergola/pergola-reproduce@sha256:02bf3e701175104a488f40761b856efa1f97e2f2f82af8adae63b24ac2517326
Once data is downloaded, it is possible to reproduce all the results using this command:
NXF_VER=0.30.2 nextflow run \
--scores='data/scores/scores_chase_*.mat' \
--var_dir='data/perframe_*' \
--variables="all" \
--mappings='data/mappings/jaaba2pergola.txt' \
--output='results' \
--image_format='png' \
The previous command generates a results folder that contains the plots used in the paper figure:
- A boxplot comparing the fraction of time performing chase behavior of the GAL4 mutant and the control group
- Two figures created using Gviz displaying the intervals annotated as chasing behavior from the GAL4 and the pBDPGAL4 groups.
- Two figures created using Sushi displaying the intervals annotated as chasing behavior from the GAL4 and the pBDPGAL4 groups.
- A folder containing all the necessary files to render the intervals annotated as chasing behavior from the GAL4 and the pBDPGAL4 groups using IGV
- A volcano plot place on the folder with the same name displaying which variables were more different between periods labeled and not labeled as chase behavior by JAABA.