We're using Clojure's instaparse library to create a parser that reads in near natural-language descriptions of tropes with a syntax similar to that of Inform 7.
The parser is based on the BNF syntax listed here.
java -jar tropical.jar [options] trope-file1 trope-file2 ...
-o, --output FOLDER output Name of folder to output .ial files to
-c, --chars CHARS File with character definitions
-t, --types OBJECTS File with object definitions
-l, --locations PLACES File with place definitions
-p, --player PLAYER Name of the player character
-h, --help
policy-test.sh is an example script that compiles policy files. Look at how it's called, run it, and examine the output in the "resources/poltest" directory. It uses the policies in the "policies" directory and agents/objects/places in the "things" directory.
Precompiled jars are in the target folder, but to compile for yourself run:
lein uberjar
Or to run without compilation:
lein run [options] trope-file1 trope-file2 ...
Copyright © 2015 Matt Thompson
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.