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Modern Deployment and Operations for Openo EMR

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Open OSP

This project was developed during the formation of the Open OSP Service Cooperative. It is a set of open source software tools for deploying and running the Open Source Electronic Medical Record (OSCAR EMR) for Canadian family physicians.

This repo was originally based on scoophealth (UVIC)'s fork of Bell Eapen's Oscar in a Box.

Both the more recent OpenOscar which is also maintained by OpenOSP, and original Oscar Community Edition can be built.


  • Install Docker and docker compose

  • git clone (master is the stable branch to use)

  • cd open-osp

  • ./openosp setup

  • If building a custom Oscar branch not on DockerHub, do openosp build oscar

  • if you need a database, ./openosp bootstrap

  • ./openosp start

  • Browse to OSCAR EMR on http://localhost:8080/oscar!

  • Log in with the initial credentials. You will be prompted to change your password upon initial login.

    • Username: oscardoc
    • Password: mac2002
    • 2nd Level Passcode: 1117

Note: for Oscar 19 (rather than OpenOscar) setup instructions, see here.


The goal of this repo is to provide a hosting-agnostic (Dockerized) toolkit for automated OSCAR EMR deployment. We want to centralize OSCAR configurations for modern DevOps tools and share best practices for modern web application deployment for OSCAR. This may help potential service providers who need to automate deployments, OSCAR integrators/vendors/developers who need to do testing, and self-hosted users. ie)

  • Training (use ./openosp setup)
  • Continuous integration of Oscar integrations (use ./openosp setup)
  • Testing
  • OSCAR build toolchains (use openosp build)
  • OSCAR develpment environments with high dev/prod parity

File Layout

volumes (gitignored) is intially empty, but will contain any local data that will live in your containers. docker contains data for building docker images to run services. bin holds the scripts that comprise the ./openosp control command.


What does this repo do?

  • Builds OSCAR from source, for usage locally or to publish to DockerHub for use by others.
  • Bootstraps a MariaDB database from the same source code as you built from.
  • Runs a new containerized OSCAR environment including database, in one command (from source or from a tested image).
  • Runs DrugRef locally.
  • Runs Expedius
  • Runs FaxWS

OSCAR Environment Setup and Run

./openosp setup

ALL configuration options other than specific config files in section 1 below should be set in this ENV file, local.env

This should:

  1. Copy all the properties files and docker development yml file.
  2. Generate a new local.env file, with unique password for OSCAR db, if not already done. (notify user of action taken)
  3. Copy all locally editable configs to the volumes/ folder (gitignored), if they dont exist already. Nothing should ever be mounted in a container except from inside this folder and those files are always gitignored copies from a templates/ folder. (notify user)

To create a database:

./openosp bootstrap

Start or Restart current OpenOsp instance

./openosp start

OSCAR Environment Update

The steps to update a clinic:

Suppose the image tag you want to update to is 2020.11.06

  1. Once per host, do docker pull 2020.11.06
  2. Change directory to the clinic in question.
  3. Set the image version tag in docker-compose.override.yml , in the oscar service to the desired version. Do not use latest in production for this, if you want to prioritize stability, because it is difficult to track what version is actually being referred to.


    image: openosp/open-osp:2020.11.06

OR to always use the latet release

    image: openosp/open-osp:release
  1. Run git pull origin master to ensure environment scripts are up to date.
  2. Run openosp start


If delete the local Oscar source code, with openosp purge. WARNING: never run openosp purge in production. It deletes ALL local data.

./openosp build oscar
./openosp publish release
./openosp publish vYYYY.MM.DD

Using other OSCAR Versions

By default, the most current release version of Open OSCAR is used when setting up the environment. It is possible to use other versions of Oscar.

If you want to use other versions, you can change the OSCAR_TREEISH value to any other GIT repository

OSCAR Backups

Backup methods will create backups for the OSCAR EMR database and OscarDocuments.

Off Site Backups

Off Site backups can be configured to use AWS S3 Buckets. First set up a AWS S3 bucket and an IAM user to authenticate. Be sure to write down the IAM access key, secret key, and bucket name information.

  1. Run the AWS configuration script
aws configure
  1. Set the BACKUP_BUCKET variable in the Docker local.env file to the name of the AWS bucket. Example:
  1. Also specify your clinic's name (as a slug) with CLINIC_NAME in the Docker local.env
  1. Run the backup process
./openosp backup -m --s3

October 2020: This process is not Dockerized and automated at this time. However the manual script ./openosp backup -m --s3 could be set to run on a cron job.

HDC exporting can be done as:

get the encryption key with gpg --list-keys and gpg --output key.pgp --armor --export [email protected] from an existing installation.

import the encryption key gpg --import key.pgp, then run openosp backup -m --hdc

Add a cronjob for the export to /etc/crontab. ie 55 9 * * * jenkins cd /home/jenkins/workspace/<clinicname> && ./openosp backup -m --hdc >> /home/jenkins/hdc.log 2>&1


For CPCSSN, follow the instructions here (private repo), update env vars in docker-compose.override.yml, and run

docker compose run docker-compose.admin.yml cpcssn

Manual Backups

To run a manual backup for both local and remote (if avaialble)

  1. Go to your openosp repo, cd openosp
  2. Run the script ./openosp backup -m

Automated Backups

(not supported yet, but you can call manual backups from a cronjob on your host)

Truncate and Purge Environment

WARNING: This will delete ALL data permanently!

Delete/reset everything, returning to a fresh clone of openosp. Confirm before deleting configs. Confirm before deleting database. Do not allow this command to run unless the environment variable DEVELOPMENT=1 is set in the local.env file.

openosp purge

MariaDB Configuration

touch volumes/my.cnf

In your environment, override the volume in the db: service in docker-compose.override.yml

      - ./volumes/my.cnf:/etc/mysql/conf.d/my.cnf

Reload the database container

docker compose  up -d db

Log Access

Logs are no longer found in the usual OSCAR server locations: /var/lib/logs/catalina.out, /var/log/mysql.error, etc... Logs are managed and redirected through each Docker container's stdout. Up to 3 days of history is available.

OSCAR (catalina.out) Logs

To tail OSCAR logs

docker compose  ps

note the Docker container name for the OSCAR container then

docker logs --tail=3000 -f oscar-docker-containername

MariaDB Error Logs

To tail MariaDB logs

docker compose  ps

note the Docker container name for the DB container then

docker logs --tail=3000 -f db-docker-containername

Dump All Log History

To dump all the log history for any container:

docker compose  ps

note the Docker container name for the logs to be dumped

docker logs docker-containername > allhistory.log

or to dump a continuous log

docker logs --tail -f docker-containername &> continuoushistory.log

Change Log Verbosity

The log properties override files are found in ./volumes Log properties for MariaDB are overriden in the my.sql file (see above section about MariaDB Configuration)

Caution: it is unknown at this time if these properties files actualy override.

Performance Profiling

To enable melody performance profiling, run the following script.



  • GIT
  • Docker
  • docker compose

Docker Image

A Docker image built from the Dockerfile in this repo is published here.


To migrate an environment across servers, these are the stateful items to move

  1. files in ./volumes, including ./volumes/OscarDocument
  2. docker-compose.override.yml and local.env
  3. the database (mysqldump)

To package up an installation

cd /home/jenkins
tar -I 


To migrate an environment across servers, these are the stateful items to move

  1. files in ./volumes, including ./volumes/OscarDocument
  2. docker-compose.override.yml and local.env
  3. the database (mysqldump)

Shut down Oscar

cd /home/jenkins/workspace/clinicname
docker compose  stop oscar

To package up an installation, use lz4

sudo su
cd /home/jenkins
tar -I lz4 -cvf clinicname.tar.lz4 clinicname
scp clinicname.tar.lz4
openosp backup -m --s3

on the new machine

sudo su
cd /home/jenkins/workspace
tar -I lz4 -xe clinicname.tar.lz4
cd clinicname
aws s3 cp s3://openosp/clincname... ./
openosp start
dx db
> mysql -u root -p${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD}
>> create database oscar;
>> exit;
> pv *.sql.gz | gunzip | mysql -u root -p${MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD} oscar

Updating existing database data

If you have issues when using Oscar, updating the database might help resolve the issues

# Open your openosp directory
cd openosp

# Check if you have the latest database updates in docker/oscar/oscar/database/mysql/updates
# The usual updates start from update-2020-11-05.sql

# If you don't have the update files, you might need to update your open-oscar branch to the latest release
cd docker/oscar/oscar
git pull

docker compose  exec db bash
# This will open the database container and inside
> mysql -uroot -p{PASSWORD} oscar < docker/oscar/oscar/database/mysql/updates/{UPDATE_FILE_NAME}
# Repeat the above step for the other latest updates


Merge general work to develop, and bugfixes into master. We will occasionally "release" develop into master by testing and merging it in.

For backlog, see the GitHub issues tab.

Design Patterns / Guidelines

  1. Run pre-made docker images in production.
  2. Define as few dynamic configs as possible at runtime.
  3. Minimize the amount of setup/automation/scripting required to deploy a new environment.
  4. Conversely, do as much as possible at build time (in docker images pre-baked).
  5. For a new environment, set dynamic secrets automatically, once at setup.


This repository is licensed under the GPL V3

Thanks (References)


Modern Deployment and Operations for Openo EMR






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  • Perl 85.3%
  • Shell 10.9%
  • Dockerfile 1.8%
  • Python 1.2%
  • HTML 0.6%
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