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Fulcrum 1.9.5

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@cculianu cculianu released this 06 Nov 06:56
· 130 commits to master since this release

What's new:

This is a hotfix release. 1.9.4 was a lemon -- it contained a bug whereby the server would hang waiting for the mempool (due to inappropriate use of thread variable signals). It has been fixed. I sincerely apologize for the error on my part. All users of 1.9.4 should upgrade to 1.9.5 immediately.

Otherwise, 1.9.4 was a good improvement for performance. 1.9.5 is just like 1.9.4 except it lacks the synch hang bug.

Release notes from 1.9.4:

  • This is a bugfix + performance improvement release of Fulcrum. In this release, the performance of mempool synching from bitcoind has been improved by as much as ~30% for large mempools. Additionally, a rare corner-case bug related to mempool synching has been fixed. It is recommended that all admins running public Fulcrum servers update to v1.9.4 at their earliest convenience.

Summary of changes (vs 1.9.3):

  • Performance! - Improved the performance of the SynchMempoolTask by ~30% for large mempools. This is particularly important when Fulcrum first starts up against a daemon that has chronically full mempools (such as on BTC). (#207).
  • Bugfix - A rare corner-case bug involving unsent scripthash notifications during some unlikely-but-possible mempool scenarios has been fixed. (#207).
  • Miscellaneous:
    • macOS: The source tree now includes a "fat" binary for librocksdb.a which work on both x86_64 and arm64 (Apple Silicon).
    • Refactored the SynchMempoolTask to a separate compilation unit
    • Other small nits.

Pre-compiled binaries for Linux

I have provided two pre-built binaries for Linux:

  • Fulcrum-1.9.5-x86_64-linux.tar.gz, which is compiled on an Ubuntu 18.04 system using Docker.
  • Fulcrum-1.9.5-arm64-linux.tar.gz, which is compiled on an Ubuntu 20.04 system (for ARM64 bit) using Docker.
  • Fulcrum-1.9.5-x86_64-linux-ub16.tar.gz, which is compiled on a stock Ubuntu 16.04 system (using Docker) but with g++ 8.1.0 installed from this ppa source: ppa:jonathonf/gcc-8 & ppa:jonathonf/gcc

All 3 of the above binaries contain jemalloc, libzmq, Qt5Core, Qt5Network (from Qt 5.15.6), and OpenSSL 1.1.1 statically linked. They still require libz2, libstd++, and the right libc version as dynamic libs on your system (but those are usually present if you are on a recent system).

If the first regular -linux binary fails, try the second one (-linux-ub16), which should work on older systems, hopefully.

Pre-compiled binaries for Windows

  • - Pre-built, statically linked Windows version.
    • It should "just work" on any Windows 10 or above 64-bit system.
    • Includes is a statically-linked Fulcrum.exe, built with jemalloc, libzmq, Qt 5.15.2, OpenSSL 3.0.1, and gcc 11.2.0.
    • Additionally, FulcrumAdmin.exe is included which is the python script, but made into a onefile .exe using PyInstaller.
      • NOTE Windows virus scanners have been known to erroneously identify FulcrumAdmin.exe as containing a virus. This is because many heuristic scanners dislike the use of PyInstaller onefile .exe's. See: #203. Please ignore this -- we contain no viruses! Also please complain to your virus software vendor about this.

See the .asc file for signatures; I signed the sha256 hashes of all the release binaries. My gpg public key can be obtained here:

Binary builds for macOS coming soon -- Until then you can always build from source!