a high performance red-black tree with less heap objects.
go get -u -v github.com/cdongyang/rbtree
run test:
coverage: 95.5% of statements
run bench:
/bin/go test -v -benchmem -run=^$ github.com/cdongyang/rbtree -bench ^Benchmark$
more example please see example_test.go
func ExampleMap() {
var slice = []int{1, 4, 6, 5, 3, 7, 2, 9}
// key type: int, value type: *int
mp := rbtree.NewMap(int(0), new(int), func(a, b interface{}) int {
return a.(int) - b.(int)
for i := range slice {
mp.Insert(slice[i], &slice[i])
var indexOf = func(p *int) int {
for i := range slice {
if &slice[i] == p {
return i
return -1
// iterator
for it, i := mp.Begin(), 0; it != mp.End(); it = it.Next() {
fmt.Println(it.GetKey(), indexOf(it.GetVal().(*int)))
mp = nil // free tree to make it collect by GC
//1 0
//2 6
//3 4
//4 1
//5 3
//6 2
//7 5
//9 7
func NoescapeInterface(x interface{}) interface{}
type Map
func NewMap(key, val interface{}, compare func(a, b interface{}) int) *Map
func NewMultiMap(key, val interface{}, compare func(a, b interface{}) int) *Map
func (s *Map) Begin() MapNode
func (s *Map) Count(key interface{}) (count int)
func (t *Map) Empty() bool
func (s *Map) End() MapNode
func (s *Map) EqualRange(key interface{}) (beg, end MapNode)
func (s *Map) Erase(key interface{}) (count int)
func (s *Map) EraseNode(n MapNode)
func (s *Map) EraseNodeRange(beg, end MapNode) (count int)
func (s *Map) Find(key interface{}) MapNode
func (t *Map) GetMaxSpan() uint32
func (s *Map) Init(unique bool, key, val interface{}, compare func(a, b interface{}) int)
func (s *Map) Insert(key interface{}, val interface{}) (MapNode, bool)
func (s *Map) LowerBound(key interface{}) MapNode
func (t *Map) SetMaxSpan(maxSpan uint32)
func (t *Map) Size() int
func (t *Map) Unique() bool
func (s *Map) UpperBound(key interface{}) MapNode
type MapNode
func (n MapNode) GetData() (key, val interface{})
func (n MapNode) GetKey() interface{}
func (n MapNode) GetMap() *Map
func (n MapNode) GetVal() interface{}
func (n MapNode) Last() MapNode
func (n MapNode) Next() MapNode
func (n MapNode) SetVal(val interface{})
type Set
func NewMultiSet(data interface{}, compare func(a, b interface{}) int) *Set
func NewSet(data interface{}, compare func(a, b interface{}) int) *Set
func (s *Set) Begin() SetNode
func (s *Set) Count(data interface{}) (count int)
func (t *Set) Empty() bool
func (s *Set) End() SetNode
func (s *Set) EqualRange(data interface{}) (beg, end SetNode)
func (s *Set) Erase(data interface{}) (count int)
func (s *Set) EraseNode(n SetNode)
func (s *Set) EraseNodeRange(beg, end SetNode) (count int)
func (s *Set) Find(data interface{}) SetNode
func (t *Set) GetMaxSpan() uint32
func (s *Set) Init(unique bool, data interface{}, compare func(a, b interface{}) int)
func (s *Set) Insert(data interface{}) (SetNode, bool)
func (s *Set) LowerBound(data interface{}) SetNode
func (t *Set) SetMaxSpan(maxSpan uint32)
func (t *Set) Size() int
func (t *Set) Unique() bool
func (s *Set) UpperBound(data interface{}) SetNode
type SetNode
func (n SetNode) GetData() interface{}
func (n SetNode) GetSet() *Set
func (n SetNode) Last() SetNode
func (n SetNode) Next() SetNode
I use a slice of block memory to store node data. In addition, i store the unuse node in a two-dimension queue. when it needs a node, it pop from begin of queue, and push a node in queue when delete a node, so the node will reuse, cutting down the heap allocation. And each block memory can store curSpan nodes, however, the curSpan is dynamic change following the tree size. If curSpan < maxSpan, curSpan = 1 << (high bit of tree size), if curSpan > maxSpan, curSpan = maxSpan, so the number of heap objects will be close to O(tree size / maxSpan) when tree size if so large.
Because of the strategy of memory alloc, the data of interface{} return by method GetKey(),GetVal() or GetData() will store in block memory, so we should do the type assert immediately when get this kind of interface{}. If not, don't hold it for a long time, otherwise the block memory will not collect by GC until you never hold the interface{}.What's more, you should only read the interface{} in compare function.
- wiki红黑树讲解
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- golang的垃圾回收(GC)机制