Improve geometry testing (#1652) #1891
3626 tests run, 3551 passed, 71 skipped, 4 failed.
Check failure on line 1 in TestEm3Test
github-actions / JUnit Test Report
Values in: host_path
Expected: ref_path
99 of 101 elements differ (truncating by removing all but the first and last 20)
by 0.001 relative error or 1.0000000000000001e-05 absolute error
i ref_path host_path Difference
0 7.504 7.47452879597453 -0.00392739925712498
1 0.07378 0.0764360822552638 0.0360000305674143
2 0.2057 0.201282846674113 -0.0214737643455864
3 0.102 0.110116834638068 0.0795768101771388
4 0.2408 0.288375701966304 0.197573513149105
5 0.1006 0.120714657682153 0.199946895448832
6 0.3019 0.318402445001808 0.0546619576078436
7 0.1153 0.136690767239904 0.185522699392057
8 0.2812 0.356813409829064 0.268895483033655
9 0.1774 0.175921448587271 -0.00833456264221806
10 0.4032 0.408930538917023 0.0142126461235689
11 0.1354 0.160709454724217 0.186923594713571
12 0.3163 0.395377448939862 0.250007742459254
13 0.1673 0.178137739059791 0.0647802693352724
14 0.3465 0.407559791189979 0.176218733593013
15 0.1786 0.202364320218146 0.133058903797008
16 0.4494 0.472508112881023 0.0514199218536347
17 0.2237 0.211185062768709 -0.0559451820799798
18 0.5863 0.54194741533302 -0.0756482767644206
19 0.192 0.197961250484895 0.0310481796088276
80 0.7295 0.693853933455716 -0.0488636964280797
81 0.2874 0.265843979664175 -0.0750035502290367
82 0.6328 0.69092969198034 0.0918610808791726
83 0.2524 0.314991063929714 0.247983613033732
84 0.532 0.623362333191952 0.171733709007429
85 0.2354 0.28137248967442 0.195295198277059
86 0.5435 0.585439655826494 0.0771658800855448
87 0.2612 0.267399355736556 0.0237341337540442
88 0.5484 0.541749088155969 -0.0121278480015145
89 0.2294 0.216098199253951 -0.0579851819792893
90 0.5671 0.495065497115677 -0.127022576061229
91 0.246 0.261547545868137 0.0632014059680382
92 0.5157 0.478266002280995 -0.0725887099457142
93 0.1953 0.225355388259725 0.153893437069766
95 0.1301 0.168264605839058 0.293348238578461
96 0.3726 0.38570326187831 0.035167101122679
97 0.1642 0.15576857650105 -0.0513484987755763
98 0.3317 0.328289554321109 -0.01028171745219
99 0.1375 0.129918464826655 -0.0551384376243259
100 0.1909 0.18354101591361 -0.0385488951618114
Host results differ from reference
Raw output
Values in: host_path
Expected: ref_path
99 of 101 elements differ (truncating by removing all but the first and last 20)
by 0.001 relative error or 1.0000000000000001e-05 absolute error
i ref_path host_path Difference
0 7.504 7.47452879597453 -0.00392739925712498
1 0.07378 0.0764360822552638 0.0360000305674143
2 0.2057 0.201282846674113 -0.0214737643455864
3 0.102 0.110116834638068 0.0795768101771388
4 0.2408 0.288375701966304 0.197573513149105
5 0.1006 0.120714657682153 0.199946895448832
6 0.3019 0.318402445001808 0.0546619576078436
7 0.1153 0.136690767239904 0.185522699392057
8 0.2812 0.356813409829064 0.268895483033655
9 0.1774 0.175921448587271 -0.00833456264221806
10 0.4032 0.408930538917023 0.0142126461235689
11 0.1354 0.160709454724217 0.186923594713571
12 0.3163 0.395377448939862 0.250007742459254
13 0.1673 0.178137739059791 0.0647802693352724
14 0.3465 0.407559791189979 0.176218733593013
15 0.1786 0.202364320218146 0.133058903797008
16 0.4494 0.472508112881023 0.0514199218536347
17 0.2237 0.211185062768709 -0.0559451820799798
18 0.5863 0.54194741533302 -0.0756482767644206
19 0.192 0.197961250484895 0.0310481796088276
80 0.7295 0.693853933455716 -0.0488636964280797
81 0.2874 0.265843979664175 -0.0750035502290367
82 0.6328 0.69092969198034 0.0918610808791726
83 0.2524 0.314991063929714 0.247983613033732
84 0.532 0.623362333191952 0.171733709007429
85 0.2354 0.28137248967442 0.195295198277059
86 0.5435 0.585439655826494 0.0771658800855448
87 0.2612 0.267399355736556 0.0237341337540442
88 0.5484 0.541749088155969 -0.0121278480015145
89 0.2294 0.216098199253951 -0.0579851819792893
90 0.5671 0.495065497115677 -0.127022576061229
91 0.246 0.261547545868137 0.0632014059680382
92 0.5157 0.478266002280995 -0.0725887099457142
93 0.1953 0.225355388259725 0.153893437069766
95 0.1301 0.168264605839058 0.293348238578461
96 0.3726 0.38570326187831 0.035167101122679
97 0.1642 0.15576857650105 -0.0513484987755763
98 0.3317 0.328289554321109 -0.01028171745219
99 0.1375 0.129918464826655 -0.0551384376243259
100 0.1909 0.18354101591361 -0.0385488951618114
Host results differ from reference
Check failure on line 256 in test/celeritas/geo/
github-actions / JUnit Test Report
Values in: host_path
Expected: ref_path
99 of 101 elements differ (truncating by removing all but the first and last 20)
by 0.001 relative error or 1.0000000000000001e-05 absolute error
i ref_path host_path Difference
0 7.504 7.47452879597453 -0.00392739925712498
1 0.07378 0.0764360822552638 0.0360000305674143
2 0.2057 0.201282846674113 -0.0214737643455864
3 0.102 0.110116834638068 0.0795768101771388
4 0.2408 0.288375701966304 0.197573513149105
5 0.1006 0.120714657682153 0.199946895448832
6 0.3019 0.318402445001808 0.0546619576078436
7 0.1153 0.136690767239904 0.185522699392057
8 0.2812 0.356813409829064 0.268895483033655
9 0.1774 0.175921448587271 -0.00833456264221806
10 0.4032 0.408930538917023 0.0142126461235689
11 0.1354 0.160709454724217 0.186923594713571
12 0.3163 0.395377448939862 0.250007742459254
13 0.1673 0.178137739059791 0.0647802693352724
14 0.3465 0.407559791189979 0.176218733593013
15 0.1786 0.202364320218146 0.133058903797008
16 0.4494 0.472508112881023 0.0514199218536347
17 0.2237 0.211185062768709 -0.0559451820799798
18 0.5863 0.54194741533302 -0.0756482767644206
19 0.192 0.197961250484895 0.0310481796088276
80 0.7295 0.693853933455716 -0.0488636964280797
81 0.2874 0.265843979664175 -0.0750035502290367
82 0.6328 0.69092969198034 0.0918610808791726
83 0.2524 0.314991063929714 0.247983613033732
84 0.532 0.623362333191952 0.171733709007429
85 0.2354 0.28137248967442 0.195295198277059
86 0.5435 0.585439655826494 0.0771658800855448
87 0.2612 0.267399355736556 0.0237341337540442
88 0.5484 0.541749088155969 -0.0121278480015145
89 0.2294 0.216098199253951 -0.0579851819792893
90 0.5671 0.495065497115677 -0.127022576061229
91 0.246 0.261547545868137 0.0632014059680382
92 0.5157 0.478266002280995 -0.0725887099457142
93 0.1953 0.225355388259725 0.153893437069766
95 0.1301 0.168264605839058 0.293348238578461
96 0.3726 0.38570326187831 0.035167101122679
97 0.1642 0.15576857650105 -0.0513484987755763
98 0.3317 0.328289554321109 -0.01028171745219
99 0.1375 0.129918464826655 -0.0551384376243259
100 0.1909 0.18354101591361 -0.0385488951618114
Host results differ from reference
Raw output
Values in: host_path
Expected: ref_path
99 of 101 elements differ (truncating by removing all but the first and last 20)
by 0.001 relative error or 1.0000000000000001e-05 absolute error
i ref_path host_path Difference
0 7.504 7.47452879597453 -0.00392739925712498
1 0.07378 0.0764360822552638 0.0360000305674143
2 0.2057 0.201282846674113 -0.0214737643455864
3 0.102 0.110116834638068 0.0795768101771388
4 0.2408 0.288375701966304 0.197573513149105
5 0.1006 0.120714657682153 0.199946895448832
6 0.3019 0.318402445001808 0.0546619576078436
7 0.1153 0.136690767239904 0.185522699392057
8 0.2812 0.356813409829064 0.268895483033655
9 0.1774 0.175921448587271 -0.00833456264221806
10 0.4032 0.408930538917023 0.0142126461235689
11 0.1354 0.160709454724217 0.186923594713571
12 0.3163 0.395377448939862 0.250007742459254
13 0.1673 0.178137739059791 0.0647802693352724
14 0.3465 0.407559791189979 0.176218733593013
15 0.1786 0.202364320218146 0.133058903797008
16 0.4494 0.472508112881023 0.0514199218536347
17 0.2237 0.211185062768709 -0.0559451820799798
18 0.5863 0.54194741533302 -0.0756482767644206
19 0.192 0.197961250484895 0.0310481796088276
80 0.7295 0.693853933455716 -0.0488636964280797
81 0.2874 0.265843979664175 -0.0750035502290367
82 0.6328 0.69092969198034 0.0918610808791726
83 0.2524 0.314991063929714 0.247983613033732
84 0.532 0.623362333191952 0.171733709007429
85 0.2354 0.28137248967442 0.195295198277059
86 0.5435 0.585439655826494 0.0771658800855448
87 0.2612 0.267399355736556 0.0237341337540442
88 0.5484 0.541749088155969 -0.0121278480015145
89 0.2294 0.216098199253951 -0.0579851819792893
90 0.5671 0.495065497115677 -0.127022576061229
91 0.246 0.261547545868137 0.0632014059680382
92 0.5157 0.478266002280995 -0.0725887099457142
93 0.1953 0.225355388259725 0.153893437069766
95 0.1301 0.168264605839058 0.293348238578461
96 0.3726 0.38570326187831 0.035167101122679
97 0.1642 0.15576857650105 -0.0513484987755763
98 0.3317 0.328289554321109 -0.01028171745219
99 0.1375 0.129918464826655 -0.0551384376243259
100 0.1909 0.18354101591361 -0.0385488951618114
Host results differ from reference
Check failure on line 1 in celeritas/geo/Geometry
github-actions / JUnit Test Report
Check failure on line 256 in D:\a\celeritas\celeritas\test\celeritas\geo\
github-actions / JUnit Test Report
Values in: host_path
Expected: ref_path
99 of 101 elements differ (truncating by removing all but the first and last 20)
by 0.001 relative error or 1.0000000000000001e-05 absolute error
i ref_path host_path Difference
0 7.504 7.47452879597454 -0.00392739925712463
1 0.07378 0.0764360822552638 0.0360000305674134
2 0.2057 0.201282846674113 -0.0214737643455877
3 0.102 0.110116834638068 0.0795768101771372
4 0.2408 0.288375701966304 0.197573513149105
5 0.1006 0.120714657682153 0.199946895448837
6 0.3019 0.318402445001808 0.0546619576078436
7 0.1153 0.136690767239903 0.185522699392051
8 0.2812 0.356813409829064 0.268895483033657
9 0.1774 0.17592144858727 -0.00833456264221869
10 0.4032 0.408930538917023 0.0142126461235686
11 0.1354 0.160709454724217 0.186923594713569
12 0.3163 0.395377448939862 0.250007742459255
13 0.1673 0.178137739059791 0.0647802693352741
14 0.3465 0.407559791189978 0.176218733593012
15 0.1786 0.202364320218145 0.133058903797005
16 0.4494 0.472508112881023 0.0514199218536338
17 0.2237 0.211185062768709 -0.0559451820799797
18 0.5863 0.54194741533302 -0.0756482767644204
19 0.192 0.197961250484895 0.031048179608827
80 0.7295 0.693853933455721 -0.0488636964280729
81 0.2874 0.265843979664176 -0.0750035502290338
82 0.6328 0.690929691980341 0.0918610808791732
83 0.2524 0.314991063929714 0.247983613033732
84 0.532 0.623362333191954 0.171733709007431
85 0.2354 0.28137248967441 0.195295198277019
86 0.5435 0.585439655826491 0.0771658800855407
87 0.2612 0.267399355736556 0.0237341337540437
88 0.5484 0.54174908815597 -0.0121278480015135
89 0.2294 0.216098199253951 -0.0579851819792896
90 0.5671 0.495065497115677 -0.12702257606123
91 0.246 0.261547545868137 0.0632014059680377
92 0.5157 0.478266002280994 -0.0725887099457159
93 0.1953 0.225355388259725 0.153893437069765
95 0.1301 0.168264605839058 0.293348238578462
96 0.3726 0.38570326187831 0.0351671011226784
97 0.1642 0.155768576501051 -0.0513484987755751
98 0.3317 0.328289554321109 -0.0102817174521892
99 0.1375 0.129918464826655 -0.0551384376243247
100 0.1909 0.183541015913611 -0.0385488951618092
Host results differ from reference
Raw output
Values in: host_path
Expected: ref_path
99 of 101 elements differ (truncating by removing all but the first and last 20)
by 0.001 relative error or 1.0000000000000001e-05 absolute error
i ref_path host_path Difference
0 7.504 7.47452879597454 -0.00392739925712463
1 0.07378 0.0764360822552638 0.0360000305674134
2 0.2057 0.201282846674113 -0.0214737643455877
3 0.102 0.110116834638068 0.0795768101771372
4 0.2408 0.288375701966304 0.197573513149105
5 0.1006 0.120714657682153 0.199946895448837
6 0.3019 0.318402445001808 0.0546619576078436
7 0.1153 0.136690767239903 0.185522699392051
8 0.2812 0.356813409829064 0.268895483033657
9 0.1774 0.17592144858727 -0.00833456264221869
10 0.4032 0.408930538917023 0.0142126461235686
11 0.1354 0.160709454724217 0.186923594713569
12 0.3163 0.395377448939862 0.250007742459255
13 0.1673 0.178137739059791 0.0647802693352741
14 0.3465 0.407559791189978 0.176218733593012
15 0.1786 0.202364320218145 0.133058903797005
16 0.4494 0.472508112881023 0.0514199218536338
17 0.2237 0.211185062768709 -0.0559451820799797
18 0.5863 0.54194741533302 -0.0756482767644204
19 0.192 0.197961250484895 0.031048179608827
80 0.7295 0.693853933455721 -0.0488636964280729
81 0.2874 0.265843979664176 -0.0750035502290338
82 0.6328 0.690929691980341 0.0918610808791732
83 0.2524 0.314991063929714 0.247983613033732
84 0.532 0.623362333191954 0.171733709007431
85 0.2354 0.28137248967441 0.195295198277019
86 0.5435 0.585439655826491 0.0771658800855407
87 0.2612 0.267399355736556 0.0237341337540437
88 0.5484 0.54174908815597 -0.0121278480015135
89 0.2294 0.216098199253951 -0.0579851819792896
90 0.5671 0.495065497115677 -0.12702257606123
91 0.246 0.261547545868137 0.0632014059680377
92 0.5157 0.478266002280994 -0.0725887099457159
93 0.1953 0.225355388259725 0.153893437069765
95 0.1301 0.168264605839058 0.293348238578462
96 0.3726 0.38570326187831 0.0351671011226784
97 0.1642 0.155768576501051 -0.0513484987755751
98 0.3317 0.328289554321109 -0.0102817174521892
99 0.1375 0.129918464826655 -0.0551384376243247
100 0.1909 0.183541015913611 -0.0385488951618092
Host results differ from reference