DrivingApp is the smartest app to Mexican smart cities!
Our app is available on android mobile devices! Download here now to get started!
All our features are designed for you security
- Device Monitoring : Constant monitoring of the devices that are within one of our institutions or affiliated companies.
- Accident Reports : You can report car accidents to alert other users and improve the experience.
- Dynamic maps : We show you the accidents or unusual situations that occurred near to you
- Special Algorithms : We develop algorithms to automatically detect unusual situations to keep you alert.
git clone https://github.com/cenidetiot/DrivingApp.git
Minimum SDK Version 16
Configure your Orion
Edit the file : ngsi/src/main/assets/config.properties
http.host= // Change it for your Orion host
http.port=1026 // Change it form your Orion port
http.apiversion=v2 // Change if for your Orion api version
Configure your smartsecurity service
Edit the file: cenidetsdk/src/main/java/mx/edu/cenidet/cenidetsdk/utilities/ConfigServer.java
// Change it for your Service
Check the Api documentation of Smartsecurity Service here
Configure your Firebase Cloud Messaging project
If you want to recive our notifications using our algorithms to send the notificatios to the users, you don't need to configure anything.
But if you need to implement your own notifications, check this guide about how to configure them.
Also check the SmartSecurity Notifications repo.
See all the documentation here.