This repository contains all code to reproduce the results of the study "Adversarial dynamics in human-machine systems" by Levin Brinkmann, Manuel Cebrian, and Niccolò Pescetelli.
These scripts have been tested with python 3.7.
The following commants
- create a new virtual environment
- update pip and install wheel
- install the main package (aci) and all its requirements
- install the djx package for parallelisation on slurm cluster
python3.7 -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install wheel
pip install -e ".[dev]"
pip install -e djx
This repository contains scripts that allows to run the simulation on slurm clusters. See below to reproduce an individual simulation locally.
First adapt the corresponding job pattern to the settings needed for your cluster: djx/djx/job_pattern/
Run the multi-agent Q-learning simulation. This is creating a grid of different settings. A single independent slrum job is created for each point in the grid.
djx train runs/repro
Postprocess the traces collected during training. Here we compute metrics such as entropy and Jensen-Shannon divergence.
djx post runs/repro
Merge the post-processed files of the different runs.
merge runs/repro
The following is for an AI with a central (global) architecture and a learning rate of 0.001.
train runs/repro/train/rewards_individual__architecture_central__lr_0.001
post runs/repro/post/architecture_central__lr_0.001__rewards_individual runs/repro/train/rewards_individual__architecture_central__lr_0.001