A Juju charm to generate CF charms from metadata and manage them at runtime.
If you haven't:
juju bootstrap
Then the following script will create a default settings file:
export ADMIN_PASS=`cat
admin_secret: $ADMIN_PASS
And this line will deploy a working cloudfoundry of the latest supported version:
juju deploy --config cf.yaml local:trusty/cloudfoundry --constraints='root-disk=12G'
This will boot up the bundle orchestrator which will watch and manage a CF deployment using juju. (Note: the constraint is required to ensure the orchestrator has enough disk space for the build artifacts cache.)
Once the deployment is running you will see juju deploy all of the needed services. When this is going you will be able to
ENDPOINT=`juju status haproxy/0 |grep public-address|cut -f 2 -d : ` IP=`dig +short $ENDPOINT` # get the _IP_ of the public address cf api http://api.${IP}.xip.io cf login -u admin -p admin cf create-space my-space cf target -o my-org -s my-space
You can now push apps.
For any given release we support (see cloudfoundry.releases) you should be able to generate an example of the bundle we'll deploy and manage by doing:
. .tox/py27/bin/activate python charmgen.generator <release>
This will create a cloudfoundry-r<release> directory with the bundle.yaml and a trusty repo will all the created charms.
There are currently two experimental tools included with the charm. These are designed to process a cf-release checkout and examine the differences in various tagged versions of cf-release.
. .tox/py27/bin/activate # skip if you have a cf-release checkout git clone https://github.com/cloudfoundry/cf-release.git ../cf-release python setup.py develop get_revisions -d ../cf-release 153..173 diff_revisions 153..173 | less
You can also use the following command on the cc unit to monitor the routes registered with NATS, which can be very helpful for debugging:
cd /var/vcap/packages/cloud_controller_ng/cloud_controller_ng/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1 /var/vcap/packages/ruby/bin/bundle exec bin/nats-sub -s grep -o 'nats://.*' /var/vcap/jobs/cloud_controller_ng/config/cloud_controller_ng.yml ">"
Attempt to generate service definitions and relation classes from cf-release.