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Javascript extensions

idwright edited this page Jun 24, 2016 · 1 revision

In Data Dictionary/Scripts


Creates sub folders Emails and Documents Add aliasable aspect and sets alias to foldername-emails

Called when creating folders in Sites/sequencing/Document Library/Collaborations


Called when creating folders in Sites/sequencing/Document Library/Collaborations

Make sure new folder name is prefixed with the next available number

make_versionable.js (Apply the versionable aspect)

Called when creating folders in Sites/sequencing/Document Library/Collaborations

Apply the versionable aspect


Called when updating folders in Sites/sequencing/Document Library/Collaborations

No longer used - was connected to when contacts were stored in an association and data list rather than in groups


Called when updating folders in Sites/sequencing/Document Library/Collaborations

If collaborationStatus != enquiry set enquiryStatus to null


Called via cron set in repo amp

share_discussion_notification_1.js (Share Discussion Notification Script - 1)

Send an email to all site members with the content of a new discussion post (Identified by from address of [email protected]). This is the one that is used. Uses the template "Data Dictionary/Email Templates/Notify Email Templates/share_discussion_notification.ftl"

In Data Dictionary/Scripts/cggh


Called when creating folders in Sites/sequencing/Document Library/Collaborations

Creates LDAP groups under ou=studies,ou=groups,dc=malariagen,dc=net for PI, Contact, Mail, Data, Public and NotPublic, with default user, and sets up associations to the folder


Check that the associations created by createLDAPgroup.js are present and correct, and fix if not