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Releases: chalet-org/chalet

Chalet snapshot (main-202407010050)

01 Jul 00:59
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  • #107: Support for C++20 modules in GCC (limited) [PR #348]
  • #333: Support for C++20 modules in Clang (limited) [PR #353]
  • #346: Added support for ccache via --compiler-cache [PR #354]
  • #369: Added support for all architectures in VS Solution generation [PR #370]
  • #358: Added ${embed:/path/to/file} to configure files (see issue for more details)
  • #350: When VS updates versions, Chalet should automatically update paths if the old ones are no longer valid
  • #355: Allow vscode export with emscripten toolchain
  • New CI workflow

Full Changelog: v0.7.18...snapshot-main-202407010029

Chalet v0.7.24

30 Jun 17:18
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  • Allow substitution variables in defaultRunArguments and options.runArguments within the settings file
  • Allow distribution process targets to run a built executable (ie: ${buildDir}/my-process)


  • Regression: compile_commands.json always needs to generate from all targets
  • Use (buildDir)/int.(name) for the intermediate directory. This avoids various problems, but will rebuild

Full Changelog: v0.7.23...v0.7.24

Chalet v0.7.23

27 Jun 02:09
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  • Handle cases where defines are quoted when exporting CMake targets
  • When generating VS solutions, use script files for non-source targets instead of inlining them
  • In xcode export and xcodebuild strategy, use named paths for scripts instead of hashing them, clean .dSYM directories, fix some warnings from generated project settings, output "GatherProvisioningInputs" phase if --no-show-commands since it can be time consuming
  • Respect --only-required in msbuild strategy
  • Fixed --show-commands toggle with makefile strategy
  • Use canonical paths in validation targets if not working directory
  • Allow glob patterns in configureFiles
  • Fix a regression resolving the runExecutable in Cmake targets
  • In init -t cmake, fix the distribution include path generated in the build files
  • In codeblocks export, fix logging from a CMake configure command

Full Changelog: v0.7.22...v0.7.23

Chalet v0.7.22

06 Jun 13:38
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  • #368: Added -a, --architectures to export to only export certain architectures (separated by comma - ie: -a arm64,x86_64). It will also respect allowedArchitectures and auto (build machine's architecture).
  • #369: Visual Studio solutions now generate with all supported architectures (controlled via the above flag), and not just the last selected or default architecture


  • Add missing emscripten toolchain description in build --help
  • Add descriptions for project templates in init --help
  • Fix dpkg build script to use arm64 instead of aarch64
  • Fixed an issue with the chalet version update notifier

Full Changelog: v0.7.21...v0.7.22

Chalet v0.7.21

01 Jun 00:14
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  • #363: Added -c / --configurations to export to only export certain build configurations (separated by comma - ie: -c Release,Debug)
  • #363: Include sanitizer configurations during export (if supported by toolchain)
  • Added aarch64-linux-gnu builds with this release (Ubuntu / Debian)


  • #364: With --dump-assembly set, check object files for changes intead of (re)checking source files
  • #365: Allow glob patterns in include of bundle and archive distribution targets
  • #367: Ignore Windows API set false positives during bundle if includeRuntimeDlls is false, show warning if true
  • Use -std=c++26 instead of -std=c++2c in GCC 14+ and Clang 17+
  • positionIndependentCode should default to false in JSON schema
  • Display cannonical path during bundle when paths are copied to the distribution folder

Full Changelog: v0.7.20...v0.7.21

Chalet v0.7.20

17 May 00:07
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  • #359: Allow files and file glob matches in the 'dependsOn' property of build script/process targets, which will only run the target on file changes (allows for a lot of custom tooling / builds)


  • Fixed a subtle bug where if a user changes a file while their app is running, the internal build timestamp updates after the app is closed, ignoring the change next build
  • YAML generator: quote string values that begin with '#' (otherwise it's treated as a comment)
  • Fixed an issue on Windows where the ellipsis animation might hang
  • Fixed process run target output inconsistences

Full Changelog: v0.7.19...v0.7.20

Chalet v0.7.19

23 Apr 21:28
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  • When compiling C, don't add C++ specific warnings if using stricter warning presets
  • Xcode project generation: fixed an exception if a CMake target is excluded in a particular build configuration
  • Windows clang: set -fansi-escape-codes to get correct diagnostic colors
  • Windows clang: In VS Code tasks.json generation, $gcc problem matcher is needed
  • Emscripten: Fixed an internal issue where the diagnostic color flag was not getting set
  • Yaml parser: Fixed parse errors when a value has a trailing comment
  • Internal: Fixed a false-positive error when a target has the :runTarget condition, and configure is called

Full Changelog: v0.7.18...v0.7.19

Chalet v0.7.18

09 Apr 16:50
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  • #360: Added justMyCodeDebugging flag to turn off Just My Code debugging in MSVC (on by default in builds with debug symbols)
  • Added ${maxJobs} substitution variable
  • Added ${outputDir} substitution variable


  • #362: Fixed oneOf, anyOf, allOf validation from JSON schemas - these should work as expected now
  • #361: Fixed infinite recursion if target metadata reference itself (ie. ${meta:name}) - show an error, like with workspace metadata referencing itself
  • Fixed an issue where -fPIC was not getting set in static library targets, but should have

Full Changelog: v0.7.17...v0.7.18

Chalet v0.7.17

09 Mar 17:57
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  • Fix an internal caching issue causing false positives in some timestamp checks
  • When generating dSYM files, also check if it exists or not
  • Correct the hashing used to determine if a cmakeProject/chaletProject target rebuilds - if the external updates, builds with configs other than the one after the next build should update
  • Fix an issue where bash script targets could get bash.exe from SYSTEM32 on Windows

Full Changelog: v0.7.16...v0.7.17

Chalet v0.7.16

01 Mar 19:20
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  • #357: In AppleClang, generate .dSYM symbol files after successful source target builds


  • #357: during export, set dumpAssembly to false
  • Windows: Fixed an issue in CLion where the unicode output was not correct if it was launched from bash
  • Windows: fixed an issue where the WSL "bash.exe" from System32 could be detected, breaking calls to llvm-objdump
  • Fix an internal crash iterating through distribution target excludes
  • MSVC: During environment checks, cache the found location to cl to avoid a second search
  • Fix a spelling error when running emscripten builds
  • Fix an issue where an extra CR in the internal emscripten variables file can cause a read error later
  • Only show "Host Architecture" when it differs from the machine's arch

Full Changelog: v0.7.15...v0.7.16