Examples that demonstrates some uses of the async-websocket clilent.
The package contains demo servers that can be run locally to test the library.
They all respond to the ping
frame with a pong
After runing the server it can be accessed via the URL ws://localhost
and port 8888
EchoServer: simply echoes each frame sent by the client.
TimeServer: sends the date and time of the server every second as a text frame.
EmojiServer: A "more advanced" WebSocket server that accepts specific requests based on an rpc.
Inside the package directory run one of the following command
swift run EchoServer
swift run TimerServer
swift run EmojisServer
Demonstrates some uses of the library.
Sends frames to the server and prints each response to the console.
swift run GettingsStartedDemo
import AsyncWebSocket
import Foundation
struct MainApp {
static func main() async throws {
/// Default instance of a WebSocket client.
let webSocket = AsyncWebSocketClient.default
/// A uniquely identifiable value to use for subsequent requests to the server.
let id = AsyncWebSocketClient.ID()
/// Connectivity status subscription
let connectionStatus = try await webSocket.open(
id: id,
url: "ws://localhost",
port: 8888
// Starts listening for connection events.
for await status in connectionStatus {
switch status {
case .connected:
print("[WebSocket - Status - Connected]: Connected to the server!")
// At this point a connection with the server has been established.
// We can start listening for incoming frames or send frames to the server.
async let listening: Void = startListeningForIncomingFrames()
async let sending: Void = sendFramesToTheServer()
try await listening
try await sending
case .connecting:
print("[WebSocket - Status - Connecting]: Connecting...")
case let .didClose(code):
print("[WebSocket - Status - Close]: Connection with server did close with the code: \(code)")
case let .didFail(error):
print("[WebSocket - Status - Failure]: Connection with server did fail with error: \(error)")
/// Initiates the act of receiving frames from the server.
func startListeningForIncomingFrames() async throws {
let frames = try await webSocket.receive(id)
for await frame in frames {
switch frame {
case let .message(.binary(data)):
print("[WebSocket - Frame - Message.binary]: \(data)")
case let .message(.text(string)):
print("[WebSocket - Frame - Message.text]: \(string)")
case let .ping(data):
print("[WebSocket - Frame - Ping]: \(data)")
case let .pong(data):
print("[WebSocket - Frame - Pong]: \(data)")
case let .close(code):
print("[WebSocket - Frame - Close]: \(code)")
/// Sends a series of frames to the server.
func sendFramesToTheServer() async throws {
let data = "Hello".data(using: .utf8)!
try await webSocket.send(id, .message(.binary(data)))
try await webSocket.send(id, .message(.text("Hello")))
try await webSocket.send(id, .ping())
// try await webSocket.send(id, .close(code: .goingAway))
Some servers require the client to ping them at a specified interval to keep the connection alive. This demo shows how to set up this operation.
swift run PingIntervalDemo
import AsyncWebSocketClient
import AsyncWebSocketClientLive
import AsyncWebSocketOperators
import Foundation
// This demo checks the ping interval option in the Settings.
@available(macOS 14, iOS 17, tvOS 17, watchOS 10, *)
struct MainApp {
static func main() async throws {
let webSocket = AsyncWebSocketClient.default
/// A uniquely identifiable value used for subsequent requests to the server.
let id = AsyncWebSocketClient.ID()
/// Connectivity status subscription.
/// Indicates the interval for the sending a ping frame to the server.
let connection = try await webSocket.open(
id: id,
url: "ws://localhost",
port: 8888,
pingInterval: TimeInterval(1) // every second
for await _ in connection.on(\.connected) {
let responses = try await webSocket
for await _ in responses {
print("Connection with server is still alive")
Demonstrates the use of the on
operator to focus on a particular event.
swift run OnOperatorDemo
import AsyncWebSocketClient
import AsyncWebSocketClientLive
import AsyncWebSocketOperators
struct MainApp {
static func main() async throws {
/// Default instance of a WebSocket client.
let webSocket = AsyncWebSocketClient.default
/// A uniquely identifiable value to use for subsequent requests to the server.
let id = AsyncWebSocketClient.ID()
/// Connectivity status subscription
let connection = try await webSocket.open(
id: id,
url: "ws://localhost",
port: 8888
// The follwing code combines the use of log() and on().
// Cases not handled by the on() operator have a default behiavor of logging event
// by levaraging the log() operator.
for await _ in connection
.on(\.connected) {
Task {
let notifications = try await webSocket.receive(id)
for await messageText in notifications.on(\.message.text) {
print("Message received: ", messageText)
Demonstrates the use of the log
operator for each event received.
swift run LogOperatorDemo
import AsyncWebSocketClient
import AsyncWebSocketClientLive
import AsyncWebSocketOperators
import Foundation
struct MainApp {
static func main() async throws {
/// Default instance of a WebSocket client.
let webSocket = AsyncWebSocketClient.default
/// A uniquely identifiable value to use for subsequent requests to the server.
let id = AsyncWebSocketClient.ID()
/// Connectivity status subscription
let connection = try await webSocket.open(
id: id,
url: "ws://localhost",
port: 8888
// The default behaviour of the .log() operator without argument simply prints
// a formatted log of all occuring event to the console.
// The caller can optionally provide a Logger with a custom behaviour.
for await status in connection.log() {
if status.is(\.connected) {
for await string in try await webSocket.receive(id)
.on(\.message.text) {
Demonstrates the use of operators for only listening for text frames and parsing the result to Swift types after performing a specific request to the server using an rpc The Emoji Service Protocol
swift run EmojisDemo
import AsyncWebSocketClient
import AsyncWebSocketClientLive
import AsyncWebSocketOperators
import Dependencies
import EmojiServiceProtocolModels
import Foundation
import Logging
@available(macOS 14, iOS 17, tvOS 17, watchOS 10, *)
struct MainApp {
static func main() async throws {
@Dependency(\.webSocket) var webSocket
let startStreamTask = LockIsolated<Task<Void, Error>?>(nil)
/// A uniquely identifiable value used for subsequent requests to the server.
let id = AsyncWebSocketClient.ID()
/// Connectivity status subscription
let connection = try await webSocket.open(
id: id,
url: "ws://localhost",
port: 8888
for await _ in connection
let messages = try await webSocket.receive(id).emojiMessage()
// Starts listening for emoji messages
for await message in messages {
switch message {
case let .welcome(welcome):
startStreamTask.withValue {
$0 = Task {
try await request(id: id, request: .startStream)
case let .event(event):
switch event {
case let .emojiDidChangedEvent(emoji):
print("New emoji: ", emoji.newEmoji)
case let .response(result):
try await onResponse(result)
case .request:
// Not handled by the client
// Awaiting for possible error thrown during tasks execution
try await startStreamTask.value?.value
startStreamTask.withValue { $0 = nil }
func onResponse(_ result: Response.Result) async throws {
switch result {
case let .succcess(response):
if response.is(\.startStream) {
print("Starting stream")
} else if response.is(\.stopStream) {
// When the stream stops we print a message to the console
print("Stopping stream")
case let .failure(requestError):
"Request failed with code: \(requestError.reason)",
"message:", requestError.message ?? "No message provided"
func request(
id: AsyncWebSocketClient.ID,
request: Request
) async throws {
@Dependency(\.webSocket) var webSocket
let message = Message.request(request)
let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(message)
let text = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!
try await webSocket.send(id, .message(.text(text)))
extension AsyncStream where Element == AsyncWebSocketClient.Frame {
/// Transforms a stream of Frame into a stream of Emoji Message
func emojiMessage() -> AsyncStream<Message> {
.log(action: frameLogger)
.success(of: Message.self)
fileprivate let frameLogger: @Sendable (AsyncWebSocketClient.Frame) -> Void =
{ (frame: AsyncWebSocketClient.Frame) in
var logger = Logger(label: "Emoji-Server-Client")
guard let text = frame[case: \.message.text]
else {
logger.info("", metadata:["Frame Update": " \(frame)"])
logger.info("\n\n\(formatted(title: "Received Text Frame", message: text))\n")
fileprivate func formatted(
title: String,
message: String
) -> String {
let messageSplit = message.split(separator: "\n")
let maxCount = messageSplit.map(\.count).max() ?? 0
let received = " \(title) "
let count = maxCount / 2
// String of repeating character
let `repeat`: (Character, Int) -> String = String.init(repeating:count:)
let headerContent = "\(`repeat`("βΊ", count))\(received)\(`repeat`("βΊ", count))"
let header = "β\(headerContent)β"
let footer = "β\(`repeat`("β½", (count * 2) + received.count))β"
let body = messageSplit.reduce(into: [String]()) { result, line in
let leadingSpaces = `repeat`(" ", 2)
let lineContent = "\(leadingSpaces)\(line)"
}.joined(separator: "\n")
return """
The Emoji Service Protocol
import CasePaths
import Foundation
public enum Message: Sendable, Equatable, Codable {
case welcome(Welcome)
case event(Event)
case request(Request)
case response(Response.Result)
public struct Welcome: Sendable, Codable, Equatable {
public let message: String
public init(message: String) {
self.message = message
public struct RequestError: Sendable, Codable, Equatable, Error {
public let reason: Reason
public let message: String?
public init(reason: Reason, message: String?) {
self.reason = reason
self.message = message
public enum Reason: Sendable, Codable, Equatable {
/// The data provided is not a valid JSON format
case malformedJSONResquest
// MARK: - Events Payloads
/// The current main emoji changed.
public struct EmojiDidChangedEvent: Sendable, Codable, Equatable {
/// Value of the current emoji.
public let newEmoji: String
public init(newEmoji: String) {
self.newEmoji = newEmoji
// MARK: - Requests Payloads
/// Gets a random list of emojis based on the requested count.
/// Defaults to one if no count is specified.
public struct GetRandomEmojisRequest: Sendable, Codable, Equatable {
public let count: Int?
public init(count: Int? = nil) {
self.count = count
// MARK: - Responses Payloads
/// Gets a random list of emojis based on the requested count.
/// Defaults to one if a count is not specified.
public struct GetRandomEmojisResponse: Sendable, Codable, Equatable {
/// A list of emojis.
public let emojis: [String]
public init(emojis: [String]) {
self.emojis = emojis
// MARK: - Event
/// An event coming from the server.
public enum Event: Sendable, Codable, Equatable {
/// The current main emoji did changed.
case emojiDidChangedEvent(EmojiDidChangedEvent)
// MARK: - Request
/// A request to be sent to the server.
public enum Request: Sendable, Codable, Equatable {
/// Gets a random list of emojis based on the requested count.
case getRandomEmojiList(GetRandomEmojisRequest)
/// Starts the stream of emojis.
case startStream
/// Stops the stream of emojis.
case stopStream
// MARK: - Response
/// A response resulting from a previous request.
public enum Response: Sendable, Codable, Equatable {
/// A list of emojis based on the requested count.
case getRandomEmojiList(GetRandomEmojisResponse)
/// Started the stream of emojis.
case startStream
/// Stopped the stream of emojis.
case stopStream
public enum Result: Sendable, Codable, Equatable {
case succcess(Response)
case failure(RequestError)
The echo server and the time server are inspired from example servers from the swift-nio package.
For the more advanced WebSocket server the Emoji Service Server
, the idea of using emojis as stream of data comes the WWDC video Meet Swift OpenAPI Generator - WWDC23 - Videos - Apple Developer that presents how to use the Swift OpenAPI Generator api.
The package swift-gen is used for generating random emojis.
swift-case-paths is used to improve the use of enum when receiving message from the server in the Emoji Service Protocol.