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Digital Signage 2.0


This application manages digital signage across the Chapman University campus. Sign owners can build and manage signs through the admin interface. Screens on campus display signs by opening a browser pointed at the appropriate SignsController#play endpoint.

The monitors and virtual machines powering them are administered by IS&T.


Signage requires PostgreSQL as its datastore. See Brew install guide here.

You'll also need to install ImageMagick. Mac instructions can be found here.

git clone
cd signage

# Retrieve secrets.yml from WimOps colleague & add to config/secrets.yml
bundle install

# This file is needed for tests (and dev?). Ask a team member for the environment variables.
touch .env

# Create folder db backups folder for cloning production data
mkdir db/backups

# Get databases
rake db:setup

# Clone production data
cap production db:clone

Emergency Alerts

By default, this application is configured to monitor the Chapman University Public Safety feed and overlay all signs with a red emergency screen in the event the feed reports an emergency.

Unless you are displaying signs for Chapman University, you will probably want to disable this. To do so, update the following setting in config/application.rb to nil:

config.x.public_safety.feed = nil



All tests:

bundle exec rake test

Single test:

bundle exec rake test test/models/sign_test.rb

See Troubleshooting

Local Server

To start the the local server on port 3000:

bundle exec rails server -b -p 3000

Then head over to localhost:3000.


Deployment is handled by Capistrano. For staging, the default branch that will be deployed is the currently checked out branch. You can also specify a different branch in the deploy command:

cap staging deploy BRANCH=my-feature-branch

For production, the master branch is deployed by default:

cap production deploy

See team lead or Passpack for server authentication information.

  • Production Server:
  • Staging Server:


PostgreSQL Bundle Install Issues

For issues installing pg, try which pg_config to find pg_config's path

Then bundle config --with-pg-config=THE_PATH

Finally bundle install

Testing Issues

-ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column "increment_by" does not exist may be thrown with older versions of Rails (< 5.0.2) + newer versions of PostgreSQL (10). One workaround is to use PostgreSQL 9.5. Read more

-Web Console is activated in the test environment, which is usually a mistake. To ensure it's only activated in development mode, move it to the development group of your Gemfile: Resolved by adding config.web_console.development_only = false to test.rb


Digital Signage Riding on Rails







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