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MMD Case | Diversa Accessibility Project

The task

Your task is to develop a web application in Next.js that demonstrates how a website performs in relation to the WCAG 2.1 guidelines. The aim is to make it understandable even for individuals without a technical background and to show how Diversa can assist them.

You'll get to work with

  • User Experience & Design
  • Accessibility
  • Building a Next.js application
  • Server-side data fetching
  • Parsing and presenting JSON data

Functional Requirements

The project should implement the following pages:



  • The project should be built with Next.js.
  • The project should be responsive and work on both desktop and mobile devices.
  • The project should be accessible and follow the WCAG 2.1 guidelines.
  • Ensure the pages generate metadata for SEO and social media sharing.

Landing Page

  • Introduce the user to the project and explain what it does.
  • Include a call to action to start a report.
  • The input field and submit button should trigger a <form> action, that sends the user to the report page with the URL as a query parameter.


  • The user should be able to enter a URL and get a report on how the website performs in relation to the WCAG 2.1 guidelines.
  • The report should be easy to understand and should include a summary of the issues found.
  • The report should calculate a score based on the number of issues and their impact, compared to the total number of checks.
  • A loading screen should be displayed while the report is being generated.
  • If the api fails, an error screen should be shown.


  • The user should be able to read detailed information about different rules and how they affect the accessibility of the website.
    • Add content for at least 3 rules.
  • Include an overview page of all the different Axe rules you test for.


To help you get started, we have provided you with a set of assets to use in the project.


Our designers have provided a color palette for the project. You can use the following CSS variables as a baseline to style the project - But don't let it limit you!

If you prefer to use a different color palette, feel free to do so - But make sure to define it with CSS variables, and that it is accessible.

:root {
  /* colors */
  --colors-brand-beige-00: #fefefb;
  --colors-brand-beige-10: #f7f6e8; /* Background */
  --colors-brand-turquoise-00: #e6fafe;
  --colors-brand-turquoise-20: #b4f1fd;
  --colors-brand-turquoise-50: #69e3fc; /* Brand */
  --colors-brand-yellow-40: #ffea80; /* Brand */
  --colors-brand-yellow-100: #e5c000;
  --colors-brand-orange-70: #ff7733; /* Brand */
  --colors-grey-00: #ffffff;
  --colors-grey-20: #cccccc;
  --colors-grey-40: #999999;
  --colors-grey-60: #666666;
  --colors-grey-80: #333333;
  --colors-grey-100: #000000;


You can use these two fonts for the building the case. They compliment each other nicely, and are both available from Google Fonts.

Libre Baskerville looks good in headlines and presentational text, while Poppins is a good choice for body text.

Read up on how to use custom Fonts in a Next.js.


  • /assets/diversa.svg - The logo for the client
  • /assets/diversa_icon.svg - The square logo for the client
  • /assets/icon.svg - .svg favicon for the project. It can be copied into the /app folder of a Next.js project.
  • /assets/favicon.ico - Fallback .ico favicon for the project. It can be copied into the /app folder of a Next.js project.

Axe report


The endpoints you should use can be accessed on

GET /api/scan

Scan a given URL with axe-core and return the results. In will boot up a headless Chrome browser, that will run the accessibility tests on the given URL. This takes some time, so expect a new scan to take 5-15 seconds to complete.

Look inside the /examples folder, for static JSON files with example responses. You can use these if you want a static output of data, or if the API is failing.

Rate limiting is enabled on this endpoint to prevent abuse. This only limits the amount of new scans that can be started within a given time frame.

Query parameters

Name Type Description
url string The URL to scan.
tags string[] The tags for the rules to execute. Use either a comma-separated list of tags, or multiple tags query parameters.
lang en, da The language of the results Axe. Use this to get a localised result. Please note that for Danish, only the help text is translated. Default is en.
Valid tags
  • wcag2a
  • wcag2aa
  • wcag2aaa
  • wcag21a
  • wcag21aa
  • wcag22aa
  • best-practice
  • ACT

Example request

const params = new URLSearchParams({
  url: "",
const response = await fetch(
const data = await response.json();

With custom tags:

const params = new URLSearchParams({
  url: "",
  tags: ["wcag2a", "wcag2aa", "ACT"],
const response = await fetch(
const data = await response.json();

With Danish help texts:

const params = new URLSearchParams({
  url: "",
  lang: "da",

const response = await fetch(
const data = await response.json();


The result is a JSON object with the following properties, coming from the axe-core results:


  • url The URL of the page that was tested.
  • timestamp - The date and time that analysis was completed.
  • tags - The tags for the rules that were executed.
  • screenhot - A snapshot of the page that was tested. You can use this to showcase to the user, what the scanner saw.
    • url - Url to the image
    • width - Width of the image
    • height - Height of the image
  • results The results of axe are grouped according to their outcome into the following arrays:
    • passes: These results indicate what elements passed the rules
    • violations: These results indicate what elements failed the rules
    • inapplicable: These results indicate which rules did not run because no matching content was found on the page. For example, with no video, those rules won't run.
    • incomplete: Also known as "needs review," these results were aborted and require further testing. This can happen either because of technical restrictions to what the rule can test, or because a javascript error occurred.

Each object returned in these arrays have the following properties:


  • description - Text string that describes what the rule does
  • help - Help text that describes the test that was performed
  • helpUrl - URL that provides more information about the specifics of the violation. Links to a page on the Deque University site.
  • id - Unique identifier for the rule; see the list of rules
  • impact - How serious the violation is. Can be one of "minor", "moderate", "serious", or "critical" if the Rule failed or null if the check passed
  • tags - Array of tags that this rule is assigned.
  • nodes - Array of all elements the Rule tested
    • html - Snippet of HTML of the Element
    • impact - How serious the violation is. Can be one of "minor", "moderate", "serious", or "critical" if the test failed or null if the check passed
    • target - Array of either strings or Arrays of strings. If the item in the array is a string, then it is a CSS selector. If there are multiple items in the array each item corresponds to one level of iframe or frame. If there is one iframe or frame, there should be two entries in target. If there are three iframe levels, there should be four entries in target. If the item in the Array is an Array of strings, then it points to an element in a shadow DOM and each item (except the n-1th) in this array is a selector to a DOM element with a shadow DOM. The last element in the array points to the final shadow DOM node.
    • any - Array of checks that were made where at least one must have passed. Each entry in the array contains:
      • id - Unique identifier for this check. Check ids may be the same as Rule ids
      • impact - How serious this particular check is. Can be one of "minor", "moderate", "serious", or "critical". Each check that is part of a rule can have different impacts. The highest impact of all the checks that fail is reported for the rule
      • message - Description of why this check passed or failed
      • data - Additional information that is specific to the type of Check which is optional. For example, a color contrast check would include the foreground color, background color, contrast ratio, etc.
      • relatedNodes - Optional array of information about other nodes that are related to this check. For example, a duplicate id check violation would list the other selectors that had this same duplicate id. Each entry in the array contains the following information:
        • target - Array of selectors for the related node
        • html - HTML source of the related node
    • all - Array of checks that were made where all must have passed. Each entry in the array contains the same information as the 'any' array
    • none - Array of checks that were made where all must have not passed. Each entry in the array contains the same information as the 'any' array


You can use a browser extension for Axe to get a more visual representation of an Axe result. The extension provides the same core tool used to generate the data, so you should see the same results as the endpoint you are going to use.

Next.js implementation

A basic example of how to use the API in a Next.js project, to generate and display a report:


import Image from "next/image";

// Revalidate route every 30 minutes
export const revalidate = 1800;

export default async function Page({ searchParams }) {
  const params = new URLSearchParams(searchParams);
  const response = await fetch(
  const data = await response.json();

  return (
      <h1>Report for {data.url}</h1>
      <p>Found {data.violations.length} issues</p>

Page screenshot

If you want to show the screenshot of the page that was tested, with next/image, you'll need to allow the image source. In the next.config.js file, add the following setting:

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
  images: {
    remotePatterns: [
        protocol: "https",
        hostname: "*",

This allows Next to optimize the image from a remote source (e.g. another domain).


Remember to add metadata to the page, so it has a relevant title and description for SEO and social media. Are there other fields or assets that you think should be included?