This is a Juju interface layer that enables a charm which requires TLS certificates to relate to a charm which can provide them, such as Vault or EasyRSA
To get started please read the Introduction to PKI which defines some PKI terms, concepts and processes used in this document.
Let's say you have a charm which needs a server certificate for a service it
provides to other charms and a client certificate for a database it consumes
from another charm. The charm provides its own service on the clients
relation endpoint, and it consumes the database on the db
relation endpoint.
First, you must define the relation endpoint in your charm's metadata.yaml
interface: tls-certificates
Next, you must ensure the interface layer is included in your layer.yaml
- interface:tls-certificates
Then, in your reactive code, add the following, changing update_certs
handle the certificates however your charm needs:
from charmhelpers.core import hookenv, host
from charms.reactive import endpoint_from_flag
def install_root_ca_cert():
cert_provider = endpoint_from_flag('')
def request_certificates():
cert_provider = endpoint_from_flag('cert-provider.available')
# get ingress info
ingress_for_clients = hookenv.network_get('clients')['ingress-addresses']
ingress_for_db = hookenv.network_get('db')['ingress-addresses']
# use first ingress address as primary and any additional as SANs
server_cn, server_sans = ingress_for_clients[0], ingress_for_clients[:1]
client_cn, client_sans = ingress_for_db[0], ingress_for_db[:1]
# request a single server and single client cert; note that multiple certs
# of either type can be requested as long as they have unique common names
cert_provider.request_server_cert(server_cn, server_sans)
cert_provider.request_client_cert(client_cn, client_sans)
def update_certs():
cert_provider = endpoint_from_flag('cert-provider.available')
server_cert = cert_provider.server_certs[0] # only requested one
myserver.update_server_cert(server_cert.cert, server_cert.key)
client_cert = cert_provider.client_certs[0] # only requested one
myclient.update_client_cert(client_cert.cert, client_cert.key)
Maintainer: Cory Johns <[email protected]>