Meteor packaging of eternicode/bootstrap-datepicker with Bootstrap 3 support modified to specs from Yahoo's Gemini Platform Datepicker. -> reporting page.
This package is MIT Licensed. Do whatever you like with it but any responsibility for doing so is your own.
All rights to eternicode/bootstrap-datepicker are with the original author
Bootstrap 3
Load datepicker template: Ex.
Left Aligned
<div class="pull-left">
{{> daterangepicker}}
Right Aligned
<div class="pull-right">
{{> daterangepicker align='dropdown-menu-right'}}
The Datepicker returns a session variable named 'date' with an object containing 'startDate' and 'endDate'; Ex.
Session.get('date') ---> {startDate: "08/04/2015", endDate: "09/01/2015"}
- Set lifetime beginning date option
- Set default range option
- Mobile Optimize Layout
- Timezone fix