Docker container for Commerce Kickstarter using the same apache php setup as the drupal official Dockerfile.
Installs drush to /usr/local/bin.
- create a MySql database and user (example: init.sql)
- docker build --tag=kickstarter .
- docker run -d --name=kickstarter kickstarter
Use the web browser or drush for this step.
Navigate to kickstart on port 80 of the docker container (eg. and follow the steps.
To get the container ip address use this command:
docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' <container id or name>
Run the site install command. For example:
drush -y si commerce_kickstart --db-url=mysql://kick:[email protected]/kick \
--db-prefix="kick_" \
--account-name=ksadmin --account-pass=ksadmin [email protected] \
--site-name=kicktest [email protected] \