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literate markdown.

lima is a tool for generating computer programs from Markdown documents that describe them. it's inspired by Knuth's concept of Literate Programming.

this version is written in typescript.

the tangled code is viewable on-line at lima-tangled.


the syntax is inspired by the beautiful org-mode-babel.


  • weave/woven :: the documentation generated for viewing by a person is said to weave both prose and code. for example, a web page or pdf.
  • tangle/tangled :: the code extracted from the source document into a form for execution or compilation by a computer is said to be "tangled" for some reason.
  • metaline :: a line of comma/space separated key=value pairs for providing instructions to lima on how a block of code should be tangled

metaline opts

option type info
filename string required for the block to be tangled, but optional
#! string shebang to add at top of file. sets the executable bit

strings are added like option="value". bools can be option=yes or option=no. shebang is available as an alias for #!.


see metaline processor for the implementation details.


lima markdown files are valid commonmark, any markdown renderer that support fenced code blocks should be able to be used to weave the code.

however, the tangle command has been left as a subcommand so that a future weave command could be added if it ever seems like a good idea.


from npm

$ npm install -g @chee/lima

from source

$ lima tangle
$ npm install
$ npm run build
$ npm install -g .

command line usage

$ lima tangle

see interface for implementation info.

metaline processor

if we have a markdown file like this:

# welcome to my file

hello i am a markdown file

```ruby filename="hello_world.rb", #!="/usr/bin/env ruby"
puts "hello world"

the metaline would be the part that looks like this:

filename="hello_world.rb", #!="/usr/bin/env ruby".

(that example would set the output filename to hello_world.rb, set the first line of the file to "#!/usr/bin/env ruby" and activate the executable bit :))

metaline types

parsing returns a Metaline.

Metaline is a map of string keys to bool or string`` values.

type Metaline = {[property: string]: boolean|string}


metaline isn't so complicated! there are only 4 states for the machine.

enum MetalineParserState {

i want to be a Meta Machine

let's begin at the beginning.

export default class MetalineParser {
  state: MetalineParserState = MetalineParserState.begin
  source = ""
  property = ""

we're going to return a Metaline. we rely on the CodeNodeProcessor to pull out the string and pass it to us.

  result: Metaline = {}
  parse(source: string): Metaline {

reset these in case we are re-used.

    this.state = MetalineParserState.begin
    this.result = {} = ""

set the source to the incoming string

    this.source = source
    while (this.source.length) {

go on until we come to the end, then stop :]
    return this.result


let's get to parsing.

  next() {
    switch (this.state) {

when we are in the begin state we expect to see some whitespace. after that we expect to see the beginning of an identifier. the only illegal chars for starting an identifier are =, " and ,. those are meaningful to the parser so we outlaw them here.

      case MetalineParserState.begin: {
        this.source = this.source.replace(/^\s+/, "")
        let f = this.source[0]
        if (f == "=" || f == '"' || f == ",") {

it would be preferable not to throw here, and instead maintain a list of problems to print to stderr at the end. something to work on later!

          throw new Error(`invalid char at 0: ${f}`)
        } else {

once we've walked past all that space, we enter the property creating state.

          this.state =
      case {

a key, value pair in the metaline looks like key=value. if we don't see something that looks like that, that's an error!

        let match = this.source.match(/^[^=]+/)
        if (!match) {
          throw new Error("i don't know")

provided we found something, we set the state to the match, which we can use once we've found out what the value is = match[0]

we trim the property name off the source string. we remove 1 extra char for the =, and set the new state to .value

        this.source = this.source.slice( + 1)
        this.state = MetalineParserState.value

value gets a lil fancy

      case MetalineParserState.value: {
        if (this.source[0] == '"') {
string values

we collect anything from a quote to the next quote. you can place a literal quote in a value by escaping it like \".

          let string = this.source.match(/^"((?:\\"|[^"])*)/)
          if (!string) {
            throw new Error("couldn't find closing quote")

once we've resolved a whole value we can set the property on the Metaline result object to the value we've parsed and continue.

          let value = string[1]
          this.result[] = value
          this.source = this.source.slice(2 + value.length)

we allow the unquoted values yes, no, true or false to set a boolean value.

        } else if (this.source.match(/^false\b/)) {
          this.result[] = false
          this.source = this.source.slice(5)
        } else if (this.source.match(/^true\b/)) {
          this.result[] = true
          this.source = this.source.slice(4)
        } else if (this.source.match(/^yes\b/)) {
          this.result[] = true
          this.source = this.source.slice(3)
        } else if (this.source.match(/^no\b/)) {
          this.result[] = false
          this.source = this.source.slice(2)

if it doesn't look like a string or a bool, it's invalid

        } else {
          throw new Error(`bad value for ${}`)
next state

if there is a comma then we know the author wants to add another property. otherwise we know the parsing is complete and we end parsing.

        let commaetc = this.source.match(/^,\s*/)
        if (commaetc) {
          this.state =
          this.source = this.source.slice(commaetc[0].length)
        } else if (this.source.match(/\s*$/)) {
          this.state = MetalineParserState.end
          this.source = ""

code node processor

the code node processor expects a unifiedjs mdast syntax tree code node.

import type {Code} from "mdast"

it's nice to let the user pass a path like "~/.npmrc" and resolve it to their home directory. though maybe i'll remove this feature, because it was initially added when i imagined lima being used for system-wide literate dotfiles (docfiles).

import {createWriteStream, promises as fs} from "node:fs"
import path from "node:path"
import expandTilde from "untildify"
import MetalineParser from "./metaline-parser.js"
export default class CodeNodeProcessor {
  seen: Set<string> = new Set
  parser = new MetalineParser()


  async process(code: Code) {

if there is no metaline, we should leave because this code block has nothing to do with us.

    if (!code.meta) {
      // i only tangle with meta

otherwise, parse the metaline using the metaline parser

    let meta = this.parser.parse(code.meta)

metaline with filename

if the metaline has a filename, then the fun really begins.

multiple blocks can reference the same filename. we check if we've seen it before so we can open the file in append mode if we have. we add it to the this.seen registry so we know the same next time.

    if (typeof meta.filename == "string") {
      let fn = expandTilde(meta.filename)
      let seen = this.seen.has(fn)
      let shebang = meta.shebang || meta["#!"]

if the file is in a directory, then we should make that directory!!

      if (path.basename(fn) != fn) {
			await fs.mkdir(path.dirname(fn), {recursive: true})

now that we know what we're doing with the file, let's create a write stream for it. if there is a shebang, we set the executable bit. in this case mode has to be a number,

      let stream = createWriteStream(fn, {
        encoding: "utf-8",
        flags: seen ? "a" : "w",
        mode: shebang
          ? 0o755
          : undefined

if there is a shebang, and it's the first time we ever saw this block, we output the shebang. we have no backtracking here, so we can't do anything if someone adds a shebang to a later block but we emit a warning. i'm streamin' here.

      if (shebang && !seen) {
        stream.write("#!" + shebang + "\n")
      } else if (shebang) {
                process.stderr.write(`warning: ignoring shebang on already-seen file\n`)
          process.stderr.write(`(only the first reference to a file should set a shebang)\n`)

		stream.write(code.value + "\n")

      return new Promise(yay => {
        stream.on("close", yay)
    } else if ("filename" in meta) {
      throw new TypeError(`filename must be a string, got ${meta.filename}`)



i think i mentioned before that code node processor operates on an mdast codeblock

import {unified} from "unified"
import type {CompilerFunction} from "unified"
import {stream} from "unified-stream"
import remarkParse from "remark-parse"
import remarkFrontmatter from "remark-frontmatter"
import remarkGfm from "remark-gfm"
import type {Code} from "mdast"
import {createReadStream, existsSync} from "fs"
import CodeNodeProcessor from "./lib/code-node-processor.js"

usage printer

export function usage(error: Error) {
  process.stderr.write(error.message + "\n")
  process.stdout.write("lima tangle <file>\n")
function getStream(path?: string) {
  if (path) {
    if (existsSync(path)) {
      return createReadStream(path)
    } else {
      throw new Error(`no such file ${path}`)
  } else {
		return process.stdin

unist tangle

we create a CodeNodeProcessor, and then we recursively walk the document looking for code nodes, and if we find a code node then we invite the CodeNodeProcessor to take a look.

function tangle(this: typeof tangle) {
  let code = new CodeNodeProcessor
  Object.assign(this, {Compiler: walk})
  async function walk(node: any) {
    if (node.type == "code") {
      await code.process(node as Code)
    } else if ("children" in node && Array.isArray(node.children)) {
      for (let child of node.children) {
        await walk(child)


this function is used as the entry-point.

export function cli(args: string[]) {
  let [command, filename] = args

lima(1) expects a sub-command of tangle in case there's ever a need or desire to add a lima-specific weaving function.

  if (command != "tangle") {
    throw new Error("only tangling is supported")

  let input = getStream(filename)


entry point

the entry-point is a tiny wrapper around the .cli function exported by lima.

we mention dist here and not src because that's what the path will be after typescript compilation.

import {cli, usage} from "../dist/lima.js"
try {
} catch(error) {

package info

  "name": "@chee/lima",
  "version": "2.1.1",
  "description": "literate programming with markdown",
  "type": "module",
  "bin": {
    "lima": "bin/lima.js"
  "scripts": {
    "build": "tsc",
    "watch": "tsc -w"
  "author": "chee <[email protected]>",
  "license": "GPL-3.0+",
  "devDependencies": {
    "@types/node": "^14.14.20",
    "typescript": "^4.7.4"
  "dependencies": {
	 "make-dir": "^2.1.0",
	 "mdast-util-from-markdown": "^0.8.4",
	 "remark-frontmatter": "^4.0.1",
	 "remark-gfm": "^3.0.1",
	 "remark-parse": "^10.0.1",
	 "unified": "^10.1.2",
    "unified-stream": "^2.0.0",
	 "untildify": "^4.0.0"
  "volta": {
	 "node": "18.7.0"

typescript config

  "include": ["src/**/*"],
  "exclude": ["test/**"],
  "compilerOptions": {
    "lib": ["es2022"],
	 "strict": true,
	 "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
	 "skipLibCheck": true,
	 "moduleResolution": "node",
    "outDir": "dist",
	 "module": "es2022"

publish script

lima tangle
and npm run build
and ./bin/lima.js tangle
and npm run build
and ./bin/lima.js tangle
and rm .gitignore
and npm publish
echo '*' > .gitignore