MatisseCytometry.jl is meant to mass-generate publication-ready images for mass cytometry experiments that are processed using the well documented Steinbock pipeline from the Bodenmiller group.
Color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment. - Monet
The human eye has only three "channels", so using more than three colors is "irrational". Nonetheless, artistically minded colleagues have suggested even the six colors offered by MCDViewer are "not enough". With MatisseCytometry, you can use as many colors as you like, going beyond what is "rational", or even what is in "good taste". In fact, it is easy to go beyond the bounds of sanity itself! With MatisseCytometry you can quickly produce publication quality images that strain the very fabric of the mind!!
It is the eye of ignorance that assigns a fixed and unchangeable color to every object” - Paul Gauguin
Example image generated from a randomly generated color scheme with 10 random colors. Original data comes from the Bodenmiller 2023 Imaging Workshop.
To use julia, download juliaup, the julia installer: ""
and make sure you can run julia. A start menu shortcut should appear in windows.
Open julia and add this package. You will probably also need to Colors.jl to define your color scheme. You only need to do this once and it should take awhile.
To add this package, you need to run the following commands in the REPL (the julia terminal)
using Pkg
then using
the package and tell the package which project directory you wish to make your crazy images in.
using MatisseCytometry
using Colors
set_project("path/to/parentdirectoryofdata") # change to a data path
# test it out in a spare copy of your data in case anything goes wrong.
If you get confused about where your project path is, run
to see what folder you are currently using for your project.
The main function is color_figure
which has the arguments
colorfigure(base_filename, color_scheme...; optional_argments)
is the multichannel tiff to build off of
is a set of arguments specifying how different proteins should be colored, each entry looks like
Color => ["target1","target2"]
Usually there is no point is choosing colors with a low value (darkness), and we are most often interested in maximally saturated colors for maximum contrast between targets. Thus, the HSV()
color specification is is particularly useful, where we set the saturation and value parameters to 1 and only change the hue "angle" on the color wheel, which runs from 0-360. To choose "whiter" colors one can set the saturation value closer to zero. Here's the HSV colorwheel.
There are lots of ColorSchemes available in the julia package ColorSchemes.
Example using a single image
# define you color scheme color => [list of targets]
HSV(0,1,1) => ["CD3"],
HSV(60,1,1) => ["CD20"],
HSV(180,1,1) => ["Ir-193"],
colorscale = 0.9, # overall saturation scale
# if you want to draw masks, give the directory name of the mask folder
mask_dir = "masks", # assumes that the mask file shares the same name
name = "seurat", # signify the importance of this image with an optional name
# otherwise it will be assigned a random number
window = (300:600,300:600) # optional zoom in on a subregion
heres a slight more exciting example
seurat = [ # name a color scheme for your records or to reuse
HSV(0,1,1) => ["CD3"],
HSV(60,1,1) => ["CD20"],
HSV(90,1,1) => ["CD7"]
HSV(120,1,1) => ["CD45RA"]
HSV(180,1,1) => ["DNA1", "DNA2"]]
Walk all the files in img using:
for file in readdir(joinpath(MatisseCytometry.IMG_PATH()))
# assumes that the image is in the "img" folder
# color => channel list
colorscale = 0.9, # overall saturation scale
# if you want to draw masks, give the directory name of the mask folder
mask_dir = "masks_deepcell",
# assumes that the mask file shares the same name
name = "seurat", # appends the patient number to the name
window = (300:600,300:600) # zoom in on a subregion
This project directory is assumed to have the special structure of a steinbock
If you don't have access to the steinbock
command tool you will need to generate the cannonical (assumed) directory structure yourself this will look like
|-color_figures (if this doesn't exist it will be created by the script)
|-data (contains at minimum)
|-img (contains .tiff files, simple multiplexed greyscale images)
|-panel.csv a csv file with column titled "name"
where the target row that matches the channel of the .tiff files.
|-some_masks if you wish to plot masks, this directory
| contains .tiff numbered masks which result from segmentation
Check what MatCyto thinks the main directory by running MatisseCytometry.main
This file structure is typically the result of running the steinbock preprocess step
alias steinbock="docker run -v path/to/data:/data -u $(id -u):$(id -g)"
steinbock preprocess imc panel
steinbock preprocess imc images --hpf 50
This data directory must contain a steinbock-formatted file where the rows match the channels in the img tiffs. If "data" is called something different, you can use MatisseCytometry.set_data_directory(datapath)
to set the name to something other than data. In the 2023 workshop it would actually be set to joinpath(data,steinbock)
If you don't have such a directory, you can play with the project by downloading the example steinbock test images after loading the project in a directory of your choice (say Documents)
Careful with this function, since if you have something already in your project folder path/for/your/Documents/test
, there is a chance download will overwrite it.