A script to run automated deposits and limit buys via CB Market API securely. This method saves you roughly 7-10x in fees vs the standard Coinbase recurring purchase tool.
***IMPORTANT: This script connects and withdraws from your real bank accounts! I am not responsible for any mistakes/losses incurred as a result of using this.
- Make sure to do test transactions of small values before letting this run on a schedule.
- Be sure to not expose any API Keys or env variables. I am using AWS Parameter Store to securely store mine.
To deploy this project, you will need an AWS free tier account. We will be using the AWS suite of tools (Lambda/Systems Manager/EventBridge) to set up scheduling/automation of this dollar cost averaging script.
- In AWS, search for "Lambda"
- Create a new function for each .py file in this repo. Select "Python 3.9" for your runtime and leave all other settings as is.
- one function is for your deposit via bank and another is for setting your limit buys
- Navigate to Additional Resources -> Layers
- Create layer -> upload the .zip file
- Go back to your "cb_deposit" Lambda and click Add Layer
- Specify ARN -> copy/paste the ARN of the layer you just uploaded
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your Systems Manager Parameter Store
- Navigate to Systems Manager > Application Management > Parameter Store
- Copy and paste these from your Coinbase API Keys. I made 2 separate API keys (for deposit/buy) with different permissions using principle of least privilege.
Create Parameter >
To get these values you will need to comment in list_payment_methods() and invoke your deposit lambda for the first time. After invoking, check the log to see which accounts are connected. You can comment the function back out after.
- In AWS, search for "Event Bridge"
- In the left-hand menu, navigate to "Scheduler" > "Schedules"
- Click "Create Schedule" - we will be making 2 schedules: 1 for the recurring deposit, 1 for the recurring limit buy orders.
- Select a name and your desired time frame. I used rate-based (3 days) as it is more straight forward to use than cron based. Click "Next"
- Select Target > Templated Target > "Invoke Lambda" then select the corresponding Lambda function you created in the previous section from the dropdown
- Disable the retry policy & dead-letter queue.
- Under permissions, create a new role if this is your first time doing this. If you are doing this for your second lambda you can reused the previously created role.
- Create schedule and you should be done! You can test it out :)
Within your buy Lambda, just modify the order_sizes object with the corresponding ticker and amount you want to purchase on a recurring basis. You can see a list of all available tickers in the Coinbase docs: https://docs.cloud.coinbase.com/exchange/reference/exchangerestapi_getproducts