The new GraphQL API for the OASIS CXS Customer Data Platform specification, including sample test implementation in Javascript.
This work is being done by the OASIS Context Server Technical Committee (see, and the new (upcoming) specification was renamed to the Customer Data Platform specification as this term has emerged recently as a standard denomination for the work started initially as the Context Server.
You can find work-in-progress snapshots of the current draft being work on at the following location:
The GraphQL API is mostly defined, most of the work in now going into producing the actual specification document (written in ASCIIDoc format in the docs/ subdirectory).
Simply launch the generation of the specification document into HTML by using the following command:
./gradlew asciidoctor
This will generate the HTML version of the ASCII Doctor specification in the following directory:
- NodeJS 6.9+
- NPM 4.1+
To test the server simply launch
cd javascript
npm install
npm start
You can then connect a browser to the following URL: