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Voyage Tasks

Welcome to the voyage-tasks project! This README serves as the central guide for understanding, running, and contributing to the project. A well-maintained README is as crucial to a project's success as the code itself, so we encourage you to treat this document with the same care.

Table of Contents

  1. Project Overview
  2. How to Run the Application
  3. Environment Setup
  4. Database Setup and Prisma Migrations
  5. Team Documents
  6. Our Team

Project Overview

preview on figma

The voyage-tasks project is developed by a collaborative team within the Chingu Community. This project aims to streamline task management with features for scheduling appointments, tracking progress, and managing user information. The project is structured using Docker and Prisma for database management, with a backend API developed in Next.js to handle user requests and appointments.

For more insights into writing a great README, refer to this article by an experienced Chingu member: Keys to a well-written README.

How to Run the Application

Follow these steps to set up and run the application locally:

  1. Install Dependencies

    First, install the required dependencies by running:

    npm install
  2. Run Docker Compose

    Ensure Docker is installed and running on your machine. Navigate to the root of the project directory and execute:

    docker-compose up -d

    This command will start a PostgreSQL database as defined in docker-compose.yml with persistent storage, ensuring data retention across restarts.

  3. Set Up Environment Variables

    In the root directory, create a .env file with the following content:


    Ensure that DATABASE_URL matches the credentials and database settings configured in docker-compose.yml.

    Create a environment variable called AUTH_SECRET and assign some string (any string) to it. This is used by NextAuth to generate a token.

  4. Generate Prisma Client

    To generate the Prisma client based on the defined schema, run:

    npm run prisma:generate
  5. Run Prisma Migrations

    Apply migrations to the PostgreSQL database to set up the initial schema:

    npm run prisma:migrate

    This command will create tables and relationships as specified in prisma/schema.prisma.

  6. Start the Development Server

    Finally, start the Next.js development server:

    npm run dev

    The application should now be running locally. Visit http://localhost:3000 to view the project in your browser.

Meeting Agenda Templates Link
Meeting - Voyage Kickoff link
Meeting - App Vision & Feature Planning link
Meeting - Sprint Retrospective, Review, and Planning link
Meeting - Sprint Open Topic Session link



  1. Sign up for Google Cloud and navigate to your console
  2. Create an oAuth consent screen
  3. The Callback url for dev is http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/google
  4. Copy your Google clientID and secret to the .env


  1. Sign up for Github oAuth in Settings / Developer Settings
  2. Enter relavent app details
  3. The Callback url for dev is http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/github
  4. Generate a secret and copy and paste ID and secret to appropriate .env variable

Environment Setup

To ensure a consistent development experience, configure the following:

  1. Node.js & npm: Make sure Node.js and npm are installed on your machine.
  2. Docker: Required for containerizing the PostgreSQL database.
  3. Environment Variables: Configure the .env file as described above.

Database Setup and Prisma Migrations

This project uses Prisma as the ORM and PostgreSQL as the database. Here are the main steps:

  1. Define Services in docker-compose.yml for containerized environments, with PostgreSQL setup using the Bitnami PostgreSQL image and persistent storage.
  2. Prisma Scripts: Scripts for Prisma (prisma:generate, prisma:migrate, and prisma:deploy) are added to the package.json for easy schema management and migrations.
  3. Database Schema: The schema includes tables like users, resident_requests, addresses, and time_slots, all with defined relationships and constraints.

Team Documents

To facilitate team collaboration, use these documents available in the /docs directory:

Meeting Agenda Templates

Meeting Agenda Templates Link
Voyage Kickoff Link
App Vision & Feature Planning Link
Sprint Retrospective, Review, and Planning Link
Sprint Open Topic Session Link

Our Team

Meet our awesome team! Everyone has added their GitHub and LinkedIn profiles for easy access.

Additional Notes

This project is built and maintained as part of the Chingu Community. We're constantly learning, adapting, and collaborating, so expect more updates and enhancements as we progress. We welcome feedback, contributions, and suggestions.

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Future Contributions

As the project evolves, additional features, components, and updates will be documented here. Stay tuned for more detailed posts as we continue building together!