This is a graphic front-end for the GNU debugger GDB, this one is coded in C++ and based on the GTK2 widget library.
Why choose this one?
- If you need a tool for fighting bugs in a project you are developing, you will surely prefer a debugger interface integrated in your favorite IDE, so that you can navigate through your source file and the data structures of your application. A respectable IDE for C++ is Codeblocks.
- If you are on the dark side and need a tool for doing advanced reverse-engineering on programs developed by others, you may be happier with some specialized tool (something like radare2).
- you don't need to own the source code of the target application to use LL-GDB
- but if you have it, it will be gently inserted in the disassembly listing
- LLGDB is much simpler to use than those advanced reverse-engineering tool focused on hacking (but of course its capabilities are modest)
This is where we are for the moment :
- X86 (aka i686) and AMD64 (aka X86-64) architectures are supported
- you need GDB 8.2 or higher
- Windows 7-8-10 host only (Linux is ongoing)
- development based on MinGW, MSYS2 distribution (GTK2 and GDB are available as optional packages in MSYS2)