The following list (which is not exhaustive) comprises of ~30 repositories for some of them I keep maintaining
💡 If you are interested in having access to one of the following repositories feel free to contact me here
How to install LAST VERSIONS of: webpack (or parcel), babel, react, react-router, react-intl and airbnb linter (or standard) from SCRATCH using yarn
A (maintained) docker-compose stack with: php7, apache, mysql, phpmyadmin, rabbitmq, mailhog for Symfony apps. A bash script is included to install Symfony.
Required files (service worker, manifest, icons, JavaScript) to turn your front into progressive web app and with update process
A tutorial to help you make a Symfony app in the "bundle" philosohpy
Several tutorials to start developing with laravel (version 7)
Various tutorials to understand the basics of reactjs
List of the most important git commands used in companies
How to deploy a php app to an heroku instance with git and composer thru github
Will expose you different kind of patterns to deal with asynchronous requests using JavaScript native fetch
Will reveal you the way to clone ALL your PRIVATE and public github repositories in just one curl command
How to add file(s) from your PC to IPFS using 100% browser js thru public BLOCKCHAIN (API) ( nodes. (With a recursive resilient retry version)
Clone of electron app popcorntime in pure JavaScript using webtorrent library
A Javascript application that will turn your mp3 library located on google drive in fully integrated audio player. (There is also a possibility to communicate with audd api for music recognition)
Different processes to install a couchdb server (local docker, hosted and via kubernetes etc.)
Manage a couchdb users database and authentication with pouchDB
Send an email with nodeJS using a simple FaaS
hacking graphql with hasura via docker and JavaScript
A browser extension (working also on firefox & opera) that will save any kind of form login credentials in a Google spreadsheet (it's a malware!)
JavaScript tests that can be given during job interviews
All the exercises with instructions in web development (especially JavaScript) I have been giving since 2017
A bunch of external links to official doc, forums, tools, plateforms used by web developers
The detailed program of my JavaScript training course
A personal guide (thanks to my professional experiences) to give you a detailed idea of what someone can expect to start as a junior web developer as of 2017-2018. Some advice of what to do or avoiding to do.
A bunch of devops tips and other kind tutorials. You can have an overview here
Will show you how to create interactive courses on katacoda using json via Github
A search jobs engine that will look up simultaneously on remixjobs, alsacreations & jobteaser (for people located in France)
A tutorial to help you make your first steps in the jungle of crypto currency
Nodejs scripts to sell and buy your cryptocurrencies pairs (from your spot account only) in the terminal. Better tracibility of your history trades.
Various (Java)Scripts to interact with different crypto currency APIS