storage-atom is a ClojureScript library that provides an easy way to create atoms backed by HTML5 Web Storage.
Any change in the atom will be saved into the web storage.
The reverse is also true. This means that an atom modified in a tab or a window will also be modified in all of them.
[alandipert/storage-atom "1.2.4"]
Or, to try the latest version that uses Transit:
[alandipert/storage-atom "2.0.1"]
;; Require or use in your namespace.
;; The primary functions it provides are html-storage, session-storage and local-storage.
;; It also provides the IStorageBackend protocol.
(ns your-ns
(:require [ :refer [local-storage]]))
;; Persist atom to HTML localStorage. The local-storage function takes an
;; atom and a key to store with, and returns the atom. If the key in storage
;; isn't set it will be initialized with the value obtained by dereferencing
;; the provided atom. Otherwise the atom's value will be reset! with the value
;; obtained from localStorage. All subsequent swap! and reset! operations on
;; the atom will cause the value in localStorage to be updated.
(def prefs (local-storage (atom {}) :prefs))
;; You can use the atom normally now - values are transparently persisted.
(add-watch prefs
(fn [_ _ _ v]
(.log js/console "new preference" v)))
(swap! prefs assoc :bg-color "red")
(:bg-color @prefs) ;=> "red"
;; Check that current value has been stored in localStorage.
(.getItem js/localStorage ":prefs") ;=> "{:bg-color \"red\"}"
;; To remove an item or clear all storage, use the provided methods instead
;; of calling the js method. This ensures that affected atoms are updated.
(! :prefs) ;; remove single value
(!) ;; clear all values
;; Note: clearing a value will reset it to the initial value of the atom passed
;; to `local-storage`, not nil. This is probably what you want.
Because web storage keys and values are stored as strings, only values that can be printed readably may be used as storage keys or values.
I haven't done any performance testing, but this approach is much
slower than using web storage directly because the entire atom contents
are written on every swap!
To prevent superfluous writes to the local storage, there is a 10 ms
debounce (when a bunch of changes happen quickly, the last value is
committed). It can be modified with the storage-delay
atom or the
dynamic var. :
(reset! 100) ;; permanently
;; increase
;; debounce to 100
;; ms
(binding [*storage-delay* 500]
... do some stuff ... ) ;; temporarily increase debounce to
;; 500 ms
It's possible to modify the contents of the atom on the way into storage
and back out again using the optional arguments pre-clean-fn
takes a single argument which is the value on the way to being
takes two arguments. The first is the value as it comes out of storage. The second is the previous value (if any). You can use this to merge the existing state with the state coming out of storage.
enduro is a Clojure library that provides similar functionality by using files or a database for storage.
The cross-window propagation doesn't always work if browsing the
directly instead of passing throught a webserver.
(Yes Chrome, I'm looking at you...)
PhantomJS 1.7.0 is used for unit testing. With it installed, you can run the tests like so:
boot test-cljs
Copyright © Alan Dipert & Contributors
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.