A docker-recipe for invoking a linux-based development environment with relevant development stuff, such as VS Code, Git, Python, those things. Includes a (free) NoMachine server, so it's easy to remote into.
Use this as inspiration for creating your own docker-based tear-down-and-build-up dev machine.
Clone this git repo, install docker if not already, then issue the ...
docker build -t=linux_remote_pc_image .
... command.
Then there's just running it:
docker run -d -t -p 4000:4000 --name=linux_remote_pc --cap-add=SYS_PTRACE linux_remote_pc_image
-d means 'run in background thread so we'll be able to use the docker host for other things while the container image is running'
-t means 'attach a pseudo-TTY', basically a fancy way of attaching a fake console-prompt to the container. Seems superfluous, but this will prevent the container from exiting immediately_ and we need to keep it alive to accept remote desktop connections what is TTY in docker?.
-p 4000:4000 means 'map port 4000 on the container image to port 4000 on the host. Nomachine operates on port 4000, see. You can specify a different port, if you want. If, say, you have several images running on the same host.
name linux_remote_pc makes it easier to recognize the container image among all the others, lest it'll just have a generic name assigned to it.
--cap-add=SYS_PTRACE is absolutely, definitely required by Nomachine, or we won't be able to create local displays for the users logging in. At least with ubuntu 16.04+, that is.
Download the NoMachine client from: https://www.nomachine.com/download, install the client, create a new connection to your public ip, port 4000, NX protocol, use enviroment user and password for authentication (make sure to setup enviroment variables for that)
User-name is 'thecoder'. Password is, well, 'password'. Just change it in the Dockerfile if you'd rather have it differently.
Hope it's useful to you! Let me know if there's anything I can do - just create an issue within these pages and I'll try be of help, if I can. Please consider supporting my coffee-habit if you can.