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Identification and Classification of Hadronic Tau Lepton Decays in the ATLAS Experiment for Run 2 of the LHC

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Version 5.2 11/07/2016

The idea with this package is that you also look at the LaTeX that
is used to create it, in order to find out how things are done.

The files that make up this package are available in a git
repository and as a tar file. To get the latest subversion
entries given the command:

git clone

If you want a particular release use the command:

git clone --branch v5.1

The tar file also includes the guide as a PDF file: guide/thesis_guide.pdf.
It can be obtained from:

You can give the command:

make new [THESIS=dirname] [TEXLIVE=YYYY]

to create a new directory with a few files to help you get
started. By default the directory name will be mythesis.
To compile your thesis try:

cd mythesis [or dirname]
make thesis

All packages that are needed should be part of your TeX
installation. If not you may have to install them or ask your system
administrator to do so.

My original idea was that the style file should work for all recent
TeX installations.  However, some of the packages I recommend have
been changing quite a lot over the past few years, particularly
biblatex and siunitx.  It may therefore be necessary to make a few
changes in order to get the thesis to compile on your machine. The
default version assumes that you have TeX Live 2013 or later.  If you
have an older version pass the option 'texlive=YYYY' to the document class
or ubonn-thesis package in mythesis.tex.
If you make a new document, you can do this by passing the argument 
`TEXLIVE=YYYY' when giving the command `make new'.

If your version of TeX Live is earlier than 2011, which implies that you have
siunitx version 1 and that you use bibtex8 with biblatex,
you should use the command `make thesis09' instead of `make thesis' in order to compile.
You can use the command 'make new09' to make a thesis skeleton suitable for use with
TeX Live 2009. This version also uses traditional BibTeX by default.

If you just want to make the cover pages, use the file cover_only.tex.
Be sure to adapt the font selected in ubonn-thesis.sty to the font
you actually used in your thesis. Be aware that not all font sizes are
available in all font collections. If you used the default LaTeX font
in your thesis, then choose lmodern in the style file.

The main file for this guide is guide/thesis_guide.tex and it
includes the LaTeX files in the directory ./guide and the
Feynman graphs in the directories ./feynmf and ./tikz.

You can create your own copy of the guide using the commands:

cd guide
make guide

If you have a verison of TeX Live older than 2013, you should set 
\texlive appropriately thesis_guide.tex and
should not pass the newtx option to ubonn-thesis.
If your version of TeX Live is older than 2011, you need to compile the 
guide with the commands `make feynmf; make guide09' instead of `make guide'.

The guide also includes a description of how to use the package under


Identification and Classification of Hadronic Tau Lepton Decays in the ATLAS Experiment for Run 2 of the LHC



