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A command-line tool to manage git repository backups - Works with GitHub or BitBucket


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About This Project

git-repo-backup is a command-line tool to manage git repository backups.

At the moment, it works only with GitHub or BitBucket Cloud.


This project uses gitmoji for its commit messages.



Installing with Composer

Installing Globally

We recommend installing this package globally.

composer global require chsxf/git-repo-backup

If not already, you need to add the global composer bin directory to your PATH environment variable.

Installing Locally

But you can also install it locally if it better fits your setup.

composer require chsxf/git-repo-backup

The tool will be installed in the local vendor folder and the executable script can be called with the vendor/bin/git-repo-backup command.

Updating with Composer

If installed globally, you can run composer global update chsxf/git-repo-backup.

If installed locally, simply run composer update chsxf/git-repo-backup in the folder where the tool was previously installed.


    --username <username>
    --password <password>
    --platform (github|bitbucket)
    --clone-protocol (https|ssh)
    [--dest-dir <destination-path>]
    [--ssh-key <ssh-key-path>]
    [--exclude <excluded-repositories>]
    [--sort-by (size|name) (asc|desc)]

Required Parameters

Parameter Description
username GitHub: User name used to authenticate with the platform's API
BitBucket Cloud: Workspace (user or organization) for which to get repositories
password See Passwords section below
platform Platform on which the repositories are hosted

Accepted values:
  • github
  • bitbucket (BitBucket Cloud)
clone-protocol Protocol to use when cloning/fetching the repositories

Accepted values:
  • ssh (recommended)
  • https

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
no-git-lfs Skip availability test for Git LFS. Use this setting if you don't use Git LFS with any of your repositories.
dest-dir Destination path to store the repository backups. If not set, the script stores backups in current working directory.
ssh-key Not supported on Windows
Specific SSH key to use with repositories, useful if you have several SSH keys for the same domain.
The specific path will be passed to git commands thanks to the core.sshCommand config.
Ignored if --clone-protocol is set to https
exclude Comma-separated list of excluded repositories
Each entry can be either an exact match if containing only alphanumerical characters, hyphens and underscores, or a case-insensitive Perl-Compatible Regular Expression otherwise
dry-run If present, no clone or fetch/pull operation is done, and only repositories information are reported
sort-by Specify how repositories are sorted before being processed.
Repositories can be sorted by name (default) or by size.
Order can ascending (asc - default) or descending (desc).

Accepted values:
  • name asc
  • name desc
  • size asc
  • size desc


The password value differs from one platform to another.

On GitHub, the password must be a personal access token.

On BitBucket Cloud, the password must be an app password.

Planned Improvements

  • Support GitHub organizations
  • Allow the use of a configuration file


This repository is distributed under the MIT License.


A command-line tool to manage git repository backups - Works with GitHub or BitBucket






