Grab in instance from and create a "WikiApiary" folder in your Wiki extensions folder and extract the files there.
Run the update script which will automatically create the necessary database tables that this extension needs.
Navigate to Special:Version on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.
Please have a look at the in the scripts folder.
The Parser function has 1 config setting:
$wgWikiApiary['debug'] = false; // False by default
When set to true all steps will be var_dump'd on top of the page for sysops only.
The parser function w8y has several actions.
It takes 5 arguments : return, from, where, limit and format ( currently only csv ).
if limit is omitted, limit = 10.
if format is omitted, format = csv ( every row result is separated by a ','', every column result by a ';')
Example :
|return=w8y_wi_api_url, w8y_wi_last_sr_id
The example above gets w8y_wi_api_url and w8y_wi_last_sr_id from table w8y_wikis where w8y_wi_page_id=1 and w8y_wi_is_defunct=1 with limit=10 and format=csv
It takes 1 argument : pageId
Example :
The example above will get all information about wiki with pageId 9 and render every information as a table
It takes 3 arguments :
for ( either extensions, skins, mwversion )
limit ( return the top , default to 10 )
where ( full where clause )
Example :
|where=w8y_wi_api_url not like "" }}
The example above will get the top 10 most used extensions, not being a fandom website, based on installments.
This return
It takes two arguments :
Extension name ( Name of the extension to query )
type ( Query type, version, documentation or usedby )
limit ( only used with usedby ) Example :
|Extension name=ParserFunctions
Call are the same as for the parser functions.
Create a Module:WikiApiary
local p = {}
function p.w8y(frame)
w8y = mw.w8y.w8y( frame.args )
return w8y
return p
You can then call the module as follows :
The result will be a Lua table
Go to the sandbox for Wikiapiary. currently only "query" is supported.