docker run --interactive --tty --volume C:\!\data.ignore\efe\.config:/root/.config cilerler/efe:latest pwsh
kubectl run -i --tty --image cilerler/efe:latest devsecops --restart=Never --wait --rm pwsh;
kubectl run -i --tty --image cilerler/efe:latest devsecops --restart=Never --wait --rm bash;
docker run -it -v C:\!\data.ignore\efe\.config:/root/.config cilerler/efe:latest bash
docker run -it -v C:\!\data.ignore\efe\.config:/root/.config cilerler/efe:latest zsh
docker rm $(docker stop $(docker ps --quiet --all --filter status=exited --filter ancestor=cilerler/efe --filter ancestor=cilerler/efe:local))
!!! tip Build local image
docker build --rm . -t cilerler/efe:local;
(change the :latest
to :local
in the command line starts with docker run
!!! tip
--volume /:/mnt/fs # Mount all including container itself
--volume /c:/mnt/HostDriveC
--volume ~:/root/HostDirectoryHome
--volume ~/source:/root/source
docker run --rm -it -v ${PWD}:/workspace -v ~/AppData/Roaming/gcloud:/root/.config:ro -v ~/.kube:/root/.kube:ro cilerler/efe:local /bin/bash
cloudcmd --terminal --terminal-path `gritty --path` --save
plantuml <filename>.puml