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planets-api 1.0.0

This is an exercise of planets API provided by B2W To see the enunciation of the proposed exercise click here.

Pre requirements

  • Java 1.8.0
  • Leiningen 2.8.1
  • MongoDB v3.4.10

How to build

Clone the repository and enter in the project folder

git clone [email protected]:cirochang/planets-api.git
cd planets-api

Build the project

lein ring uberjar

How to run

Start the mongo service

sudo service mongod start

Start the planets-api service

java -jar target/uberjar/planets-api-1.0.0-standalone.jar


lein ring server-headless

How to run the tests

lein test

Project strucutre

├── src                             # Project source folder
│   └── planets_api                 # Main namespace project folder
│       ├── controllers             # Folder for control the requests
│       │   └── planets_ctl.clj     # Responsible for planets controller
|       ├── models                  # Folder for write and read data and validations
│       │   └── planets_md.clj      # Responsible for planets model
│       ├── utils                   # Folder for useful functions
│       │   ├── database.cj         # Responsible for communicate with database
│       │   └── swapi.clj           # Responsible for communicate with
|       ├── main.clj                # Responsible for startup the api
│       └── routes.js               # Responsible for indicate the endpoints of the api
├── test                            # Test source folder
│   └── test_planets_api            # Main namespace project test folder
│       ├── e2e                     # Folder for end to end tests
│       │   ├── not_found_test.clj  # Responsible for test 404 endpoints requests
│       │   └── planets_test.clj    # Responsible for test planets endpoints requests
│       ├── helpers                 # Folder to help the tests source files
│       │   ├── factories.cj        # Give some objects prepare to use in tests 
│       │   ├── fixture.cj          # Give some functions to prepare each test
│       │   └── utils.clj           # Give some useful functions to use in tests
│       └── units                   # Folder for units tests
│           └── models              # Folder for test the models folder
│               └── planets_md.clj  # Responsible for test the planets_ctl.clj file
└── project.clj                     # Project setup file

The solution

When the software runs, it creates a webserver on port 3000 and creates a database called "planets-api" with some properties.

The application creates the following endpoints:

POST /planets

Add a planet to the database.

Example input:

  "name": "Alderaan",
  "climate": "temperate",
  "terraint": "glasslands, mountains"

Example output:


GET /planets

Get a list of all planets or a planet by name.

Query Strings:


OBS: planet_name is case sensitive.

Example output:

  "planets": [
      "_id": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
      "name": "Alderaan",
      "climate": "temperate",
      "terraint": "glasslands, mountains",
      "films": 2
      "_id": "607f1f77bcf86cd799439012",
      "name": "Yavin IV",
      "climate": "temperate, tropical",
      "terraint": "jungle, rainforests",
      "films": 1
      "_id": "707f1f77bcf86cd799439013",
      "name": "Hoth",
      "climate": "frozen",
      "terraint": "tundra, ice caves, mountain ranges",
      "films": 1

GET /planets/{planet_id}

Get a planet by id.

Example output:

  "_id": "507f1f77bcf86cd799439011",
  "name": "Alderaan",
  "climate": "temperate",
  "terraint": "glasslands, mountains",
  "films": 2

DELETE /planets/{planet_id}

Delete a planet by id.

Example output:
